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EU Politics

Reinfeldt, Merkel, Cameron and Rutte in a boat – a roundup

So embattled Swedish PM Reinfeldt invited Merkel, Cameron and Rutte to Harpsund and took them out in a small rowing boat (news summary here), and let photographers take pictures of this. Here’s the original: The Junckermonster – my own effort Putin, via @GeneralBoles Breaking apart, via @Spacexecadet Sinking, via @JOR_ID Just […]

EU Politics

What does “EU reform” actually mean?

A tweet by Philip Oltermann caught my eye: Tactical mistake by pro-Junckerites to allow Cameron to lay claim to "reformist" tag. They want the more radical EU reform, why not say it? — Philip Oltermann (@philipoltermann) June 8, 2014 David Cameron is doing his best to spin himself, and his […]

EU Politics

Democratising the EU in post democratic times

The title of this blog entry is intentionally contradictory. Yet it encompasses the central challenge the European Union in facing. To start, what are we supposed to do about democracy in the European Union, viewing democracy in the classical post-World War II consensus kind of way, where multi party representative […]

EU Politics, German Politics

“Wem gehört Europa? Welche europäischen Alternativen gibt es?” debate 17th May, Berlin – come along!

I’m the moderator of the European Alternatives debate in Berlin on Saturday between the MEPs Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann (SPD), Alexandra Thein (FDP) (yes, her of the posters fame), Helmut Scholz (Die LINKE) and Michael Cramer (Grüne). The debate is at the end of the Transeuropa Caravans tour that has been running over the last couple […]

EU Politics

Vote at #EP2014, 22-25 May 2014. A selection of videos.

Never Forget to Vote From the youth movement of the Swedish Social Democrats, SSU . Voteman The Danish Parliament’s official EP election film that was taken down, and hence I re-post someone else’s upload here . Choose Who’s In Charge Official EP election film I’ll leave you to decide which […]

German Politics

Volksentscheid Tempelhofer Feld – what’s happening?

A concise summary of what is happening with the Volksentscheid Tempelhofer Feld (Tempelhof Field Referendum) was hard to find in English. So this is my effort to write one, to help explain this rather complicated issue. At the end I’ll give my personal view. What’s happening? On 25th May 2014 a Volksentscheid […]

EU Politics

#EUtweetup – 15th May Berlin, 22nd May Brussels

With less than two weeks to go before the most excitement any EU nerd gets in their lives, the European Parliament elections and with this year’s added bonus, the Spitzenkandidat process, I’m happy to announce 2 #EUtweetup dates. Berlin, Thursday 15th May, from 1900 Location: Altes Europa Café, Gipsstraße 11, 10119 Berlin (1900-2030), […]