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EU Politics

Communications concours – should I go for it?

EPSO will today publish a new concours to enter into the European Institutions, entitled: EPSO/AD/94/07 ADMINISTRATORS (AD5) IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND THE MEDIA The deadline for applications is the end of March. I really wonder whether I should give this a shot. I did not manage to […]

UK Politics

UKIP has to pay back £300k – excellent!

Just a quick post as I have to head to Stansted in 4 hours and need some sleep, but excellent news this evening: the UK Independence Party has been told to pay back £367,697 of donations it did not collect properly. See the full story in The Guardian here. So […]

EU Stars
EU Politics

Now the EU propaganda is run by the gay mafia

My attention has been drawn to plans for how the UK Foreign Office is to boost efforts to communicate the European Union to the British Public. The ideas were leaked to the Mail on Sunday in December 2006 – read the full idea here. The plans themselves seem all too […]

Romano Prodi
EU Politics

Stay Prodi

I was not the greatest fan of Romano Prodi as Commission President, but he has until now made a reasonable job of governing Italy with a wafer-thin majority. Yet today it looks like that is going to come crashing down [BBC Story], as the government’s foreign policy proposals were defeated […]

Désirs d’avenir
UK Politics

Expect no Désirs d’avenir from Gordon

Plenty of politicians in Europe are waking up to the power of the internet one way or another. Ségolène Royal has led the way, putting the website Désirs d’Avenir at the centre of her campaign. Margot Wallström has been blogging for some time. The SPD tried out its Rote Blogs. […]

Fischer Boel
EU Politics

More Commissioners jump on the blogging band-waggon

2 more European Commissioners – Janez Potocnik and Mariann Fischer Boel – have jumped on the blogging band-waggon. There’s also a blog by Toivo Klaar, the head of the Commission Delegation in Estonia. But it’s in Estonian, so I have no idea whether it’s any good! Sadly neither of the Commissioners’ […]

Carling Academy
UK Politics

Segregation in Brixton

I went to a concert of the band Guillemots at the Brixton Academy on Friday. The concert itself was a bit strange – Guillemots are very professional, but they are hard to relate to as a live band. The main man – Fyfe Dangerfield – hides himself behind 2 enormous […]

Ethiopia Famine
EU Politics

UK MEPs and Development Aid: do they not care?

I happened to be doing some research into the composition of the European Parliament’s Committees and came across the somewhat strange composition of the Development Committee (DEVE). It turns out that there are only 2 UK MEPs that are full members of the committee – Glenys Kinnock (PES / Labour) […]