Recent Posts

EU Politics

PES – getting its act together on childcare

The Party of European Socialists has been highlighting childcare issues over the last week, encouraging its member parties and PES Activists to get together, discuss the issue, and highlight where there are problems. They have also published some interesting research about the matter, looking at how the availability of childcare […]

BCC Star

Bloggers’ code of conduct – fine in principle

Following hot on the heels of Oliver Kamm’s criticism of blogging and democracy (see this post), there’s a heated debate going on about Tim O’Reilly’s ideas for a broad code of conduct for bloggers – and it’s even considered important enough to be a main story at The Guardian’s website. […]

Federalist Flag
EU Politics

Reflections on federalist strategy (or lack of it)

This blog is syndicated at the JEF-related online magazine Taurillon, and from time to time some interesting articles appear there. Today I happened to come across Paolo Vacca’s appeal for a Core Europe. For anyone who has ever been to a JEF or UEF event, such an appeal from Paolo […]

Sun front page
UK Politics

The value of political blogging – Kamm is misguided

I came across Oliver Kamm’s article ‘A Parody of Democracy‘ in which the author tries to make the case that political blogs poison debate, rather than enhance it. Kamm is obviously sufficiently keen to avoid debate that it’s not actually possible to comment on his own ‘blog‘. The essence of […]

Hastings boats

Hastings, The Stade

A long weekend, no travel to faraway places, so what better than the take Victor the Streetcar (yes, their cars do have names) and head off to the South Coast – Eastbourne for some inline skating, Bexhill for a potter along the promenade, and Hastings for a wander around The […]

Balloon popping
UK Politics

Little hope in the spring sunshine

I’m sat typing at the table in the window in my small flat in Walworth. A small vase of daffodils stands on the table and the April sun is shining on the cars parked in the road outside. It’s Easter Sunday, the middle of a long weekend, and I should […]

Poland EU
EU Politics

Why large EU states are no longer so equal

I’ve had a go at Poland’s approach to the EU here previously and – as before – it cannot be defended. The dual majority system for Council voting, as proposed by the European Constitution, is the way to go to streamline decision making. However, thanks to some very geeky calculations, […]