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David Miliband
EU Politics

Europe is out, and Woodward is in – oh dear

Gordon Brown’s cabinet is taking shape and overall it looks fine – I’m especially happy to see David Miliband as Foreign Secretary. But there are 2 matters of concern. Firstly the Minister of State for Europe (most recently Geoff Hoon under Blair) had been entitled to attend cabinet, and that […]

Numbers clock
EU Politics

EU, turning back the clock

I’ve been away in Sweden for Midsommar, but have been reflecting on the Treaty compromise while sat on the plane back to London. Overall the actual result could have been a lot worse – the main elements of the Constitution have been maintained. But I do wonder the price that […]

Ferry - Train - Kössö
EU Politics

Summer plans

I can’t remember in recent years getting to June and not having any plans for the summer. Anyway, things have now more or less fallen into place for a 2 week trip north with Helena at the end of July / start of August – train to Newcastle, then the […]

EU Politics

Harriet elected Deputy Leader – wahey!!!

We’ve won! Harriet was elected deputy leader of the Labour Party with 50.43% of the vote. I’ve been responsible for the website of the campaign that has at least played a small part in the successful result. Harriet defeated Alan Johnson in the final round, after Blears, then Hain, Benn […]

EU Politics

Treaty of Nice version 2

It’s summit week. Finally. The EU news sites, and the mainstream media to a certain extent, have been trying to analyze what may or may not emerge from the European Council at the end of this week in Brussels. It looks like Poland is at least softening its tone slightly, […]

Brussels flags
EU Politics

Brussels – content

I’ve just spent the last 2 days in Brussels for work and I’m left asking myself this question: why did I ever leave? First of all I know so many people there – I keep on bumping into people I know in the street. That never happens in London. Yesterday […]

Magnifying glass
EU Politics

Principles make for a EU budget Balls up

I’ve been reading ‘Britain and Europe: A City minister’s perspective’ by Ed Balls MP [more details from the CER]. It all strikes me as reasonably standard Brownite fare – realising that Britain has to be part of the EU, but not really enthusing about the European Union all that much. […]

Finnish EU Presidency
EU Politics

The Finnish Presidency of the G8

Every Presidency has to have its logo. But it seems that ideas are running a bit thin. Finland, for its 2006 EU Presidency, choose the rather graceful logo pictured at the top. Germany, for its ongoing 2007 G8 Presidency has the logo below it. Bit too much of a resemblance? […]

Van Dent
UK Politics

Royal Mail mysteries

Every London cyclist must have experienced it. The revving of a small commercial vehicle engine behind you and – whooosh – a red Royal Mail LDV van powers past. Like more passionate versions of White Van Man, Royal Mail drivers also seem to like to wrap their vans around lamp […]