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EU Politics

You’re chairing GAERC for 6 months you idiot

Hell. If it’s not McCreevy saying he’s not read the Treaty of Lisbon then it’s French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner stating his ignorance. As reported by the Financial Times Kouchner today said: “No one understands the institutions and no one’s interested. No one understands anything, not even me.” What a […]

EU Politics

Grandees propose solutions after the Irish No

As the days go by after the No vote in the referendum in Ireland on the Treaty of Lisbon so more articles and statements emerge, asking questions about the future direction of the EU. Today David Marquand (in The Guardian) and Robert Kagan (in the IHT) have penned articles asking […]

EU Politics

On the road and on new media

Today’s the last day for almost 2 weeks that I’m sat at my desk in my office – I’m off to London teaching EU politics and to meet website clients, to Vienna for a PES Activists Forum where I’ll be presenting about the use of the internet, I have a […]

EU Politics

Alexandra Dobolyi…?

I keep an eye on the combined Blogactiv RSS feed and, aside from the posts about EU chemicals legislation (yawn) there are sometimes a few gems, like today’s downright strange post by a new blogger called ‘Ukridge’ about Hungarian Social Democrat MEP Alexandra Dobolyi. Among other things the piece claims […]

EU Politics

MEPs on the make – the RTL video

I had heard rumours on the Brussels grapevine that German broadcaster RTL had done an amusing (but serious) report on the behaviour of European Parliamentarians that involved German Green MEP Hiltrud Breyer running into a wall on the way into a lift in order to escape cameras. The report is […]

EU Politics

Treaty of Lisbon blame game

In whatever walk of life, when something goes wrong someone has to take responsibility. The Irish voted No to the Treaty of Lisbon on 12th June, it’s caused a big problem for the EU, and so now it’s time to play the blame game – who needs to take responsibility […]

EU Politics

EU political football

Europe’s politicians are winding down for the summer, and plenty of them are watching parts of Euro 2008… and starting to wonder. Janez JanÅ¡a, Prime Minister of Slovenia and present President of the European Council, floats the idea of an EU football team in yesterday’s Independent. I’m not sure that’s […]

EU Politics

Remind me, why do I blog about the EU?

I invest a large amount of time keeping this blog up-to-date. Wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I think up things I might write, most often matters with an EU-angle. But is it actually worth the effort? Since the No vote on the Treaty of Lisbon things have been hellish […]