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New EU (institutional) blog: Martin Westlake

It’s a great pleasure to announce the launch today of a new blog about EU matters – Martin Westlake. Martin took over today as Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee will be blogging about his experiences in the post and, no doubt, about other things too. From […]

EU Politics

Lyon-Paris vs. Manchester-London

36 flights a day between Heathrow and Manchester! Madness! That was for me the most stocking part of an article in today’s Guardian about Tory Party transport plans. Factor in the other London airports and the total is much higher (Manchester Airport flight search here – type ‘LON’ as the […]

EU Politics

In defence of Gawain Towler

It’s not often you get me defending UKIP on this blog, but this is one of those times. I second Nosemonkey in his disgust at the situation facing UKIP’s press officer in the EP Gawain Towler, author of the England Expects blog. Where Nosemonkey is wrong is assuming he disagrees […]

EU Politics

If the market doesn’t work, cap prices?

The European Commissioner every telecoms executive loves to hate is at it again – Viviane Reding will today propose further legislation to cap mobile phone prices: further reductions to call prices and also this time for SMS and mobile internet data charges. These proposals follow rules put in place in […]

EU Politics

Europarltv pumps out Strasbourg propaganda

I’ve been having a look at Europarl TV, launched yesterday with a bit of fanfare in Brussels. I was not at the launch so I didn’t profit from a few glasses of wine to temper my views on the project. I instead watched a bit of the news show this […]

EU Politics

Not a job advertisement as such

A Labour Deputy Leadership website for Harriet Harman. 12 websites for Labour politicians, with plenty more in the pipeline. Online campaigns for One President of the EU (finalist in the 2008 New Media Awards), cricket as an Olympic sport, and atheist bus adverts. A forthcoming site to map the EU […]

EU Politics

Women not unified on EU leadership effort?

I’m confused. I’m completely supportive of the idea that at least one of the top positions in the EU should be held by a woman – it’s about time it happened! And as Females in Front, the petition I’ve signed, pointedly asks: with 250 million women in Europe surely one […]

EU Politics

If you are nice to me I might be nice to you

Perhaps it’s a little more complex than the headline, but not much – this is a post about how to make people in the blogosphere write about the things you want them to write about. Frankly it’s not that complex. I’ve been wondering about what I would do were I […]