UK Politics

UK Politics

The Lives of Others – UK Civil Liberties mashup

I spent an hour or so last night putting together this first-ever Youtube video mashup I’ve done, taking the German trailer for Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) and adding subtitles in English – only the subtitles are about UK civil liberties issues in 2009. The idea comes […]

UK Politics

LabourList | Ken for Commissioner?

“As Glenis Willmott rightly points out on Labourlist today the European Parliament elections should be the short term priority for Labour. With the Tories set to leave the EPP-ED group in the European Parliament it’s vital that Cameron’s right wing lunatic pals are brought to the attention of the British […]

UK Politics

Your neighbour is probably a terrorist

There is something really incomprehensible about Britain’s approach to terrorism. It seems that the government wants to use every technological, physical and PR tactic they can to make people feel more scared safer. The most recent is a billboard campaign from the British Transport Police urging you to snoop on […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

G20: the ultimate postmodern fudge

The seating order at the pre-summit dinner is vital (Indonesia and South Korea should be especially happy apparently), the UK is gripped by Michelle Obama’s dresses and the fact she towers over the queen and Barack gave the queen an iPod. In the meantime all the sherpas are beavering away […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

Does Topolánek have no shame?

Sorry to go on about the Czechs again, but they provide so much ammunition. Topolánek: your government has just fallen in the middle of the EU Presidency, the very same Presidency that has already stumbled from gaffe to gaffe, and then you make an all out attack on the President […]

UK Politics

At least 31% of the people on board this bus are fools

Atheist buses are one thing, stating there’s probably no god. But how about the christian counter adverts now on the streets of London? The christian party adverts that are even a rip-off of the design of the atheist ads are rather inoffensive as far as I am concerned; imitation is […]