
Fabian Society

Fabian Society’s lousy website

I have a lot of respect for the work that the Fabian Society does, but they just do not seem to understand that the old channels of influence do not work in quite the same way as before. The new Fabian Society website is one of the worst new sites […]

Social Europe Blog

New Social Europe blog

First there was the Social Europe journal, and now there’s the Social Europe blog to go with it. The idea is to be able to publish articles about centre left EU politics that are intellectual but not as long or developed as those that go into the journal. I’ve been […]

TMP Screenshot

New website launched –

I’m back in London and just want to make a quick plug for a new website I’ve launched this weekend. It’s TMP Online, a multi-user blog system for those on the centre left from a diverse range of backgrounds to discuss political issues they feel are important. It will be […]

BCC Star

Bloggers’ code of conduct – fine in principle

Following hot on the heels of Oliver Kamm’s criticism of blogging and democracy (see this post), there’s a heated debate going on about Tim O’Reilly’s ideas for a broad code of conduct for bloggers – and it’s even considered important enough to be a main story at The Guardian’s website. […]

Potholes Map

Pothole reporting

A colleague at work mentioned MySociety‘s new website to me – Neighbourhood Fix It. This is a site that allows you to report all kinds of minor problems in your area. I’ve just used it to report a major pothole on my cycle route between Waterloo and Elephant & Castle. […]


Up and running

It’s taken longer than I would have thought, but I’m now online at the Congress. Seems the technology is far from perfect at the 1960s conference centre. The first few videos will be online very soon. My fellow bloggers here are Helena Markstedt, Jonas Morian, Ã…sa Westlund and Johanna Graf, […]

Dead Linux Penguin - source

Tories not practicing what they preach on Open Source

So the Tories are in favour of Open Source software. Open Source Whitehall is the headline on BBC News, reporting a speech that Tory Treasury spokesman George Osborne made today at the Royal Society of Arts. Even Demos are trumpeting the speech, and Guido has a typically cynical take on […]

Sunday AM Screenshot

Harriet’s blog on Sunday AM

Andrew Marr’s Sunday AM programme on BBC1 this morning had a feature on political blogging, and the 20 seconds or so about a Labour blogger was none other than Harriet Harman. The header of her blog that I designed managed to get a quick view on national television. Quite cool! […]