

My handwriting… as a font

Via a friend’s suggestion on Facebook I’ve come across, a site that allows you to turn your handwriting into a font. My first effort is above (or here to download if you really want to) – I’m not sure it’s good enough to allow me to blag a letter […]


Belgacom – aka Belgacon

I’ve moved in Brussels – from St Josse to St Gilles – and in typical Belgian style the cable TV operator is different in St Gilles. Seems the Belgian notion of competition is to divide up the communes between different suppliers rather than allow suppliers to compete on the same […]


How many plates can I manage to spin?

I have a bit of a problem. It’s summed up in German with the phrase die Qual der Wahl, essentially the problem of choosing. This applies to this blog as well as to basically everything I spend my time doing. I have too many ecclectic interests for the blog – […]


When will I cease to see new opportunities?

I’m just back at my desk after a week in a small village France with my parents. My laptop is out of action so I was without e-mail and internet for a week – quite refreshing. It also gave me plenty of time to think and to discuss things with […]

EU Politics, Technology

Rocking the traditional media boat

I’ve had a few interesting experiences with what I would call the media establishment over the last few weeks, notably when asked to present the atheist bus campaign at Medienforum.NRW in Köln and at the European Communication Summit in Brussels. Köln was a panel discussion in German, while Bruxelles was […]


Twitter for politics

“I just don’t get Twitter” – words I often here uttered in political circles in Brussels and London. How can 140 characters be used to communicate effectively? This is a first effort to explain how to use Twitter in a political context. Firstly the Twitter slogan “What are you doing?” […]


Atheist Bus – why did it work?

Here are some slides I have put together explaining why the atheist bus campaign worked. Feel free to use the slides and the lessons, providing you credit accordingly (CC / Attribution license). Atheist Bus Campaign View more presentations from jonworth.


How to really annoy a conference speaker – ThirdSector conference

I’ve just finished making a presentation at a conference in London entitled “Cost-Effective E-Communications, Social Networking & Blogging” organised by Haymarket (linked to ThirdSector magazine). All the speakers in the morning have been explaining in depth how it’s vital to be honest, fair and open when using social media. Well […]