

Facebook isn’t working

It’s a simple question: do people read Facebook messages and signup for events in the way they used to? The last fortnight has – in my personal case – given me a resounding answer: no. I’ve tried to organise 2 personal events via Facebook – 16 friends in Oslo invited […]


Online donation patterns

I’m at the Advocacy Online session at the eCampaigning Forum where I’ve just listened to a presentation from FullCitizen about online fundraising strategies [more here]. They rather swiftly dismissed the fundraising power of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter in one of their slides – there’s little or no conversion into fundraising […]

Aircraft engine - CC / Flickr

Ethical offsetting

A good friend of mine works for GAIA / No Burn, an organisation that makes the case for alternatives to incinerating waste. The problem is that for his work my friend there has to fly all over this place – this year already to California and The Philippines – all […]

BBC - CC / Flickr
Technology, UK Politics

Framing the debate: Future of the BBC

There’s something deeply wrong with the ‘debate’ currently going on about the future of the BBC, and I think it boils down to the essential question: what is the value of public service broadcasting? Two themes dominate the debate at the moment. The first is a kind of cost-benefit analysis, […]

Mostra 2009 Portfolio Screeshot - from
EU Politics, Technology

Some weird parallel EU communications universe

A retweet from @belitabrux drew my attention today to a Mostra e-book called Opinion Corner. Take a look – it’s well researched, looks smartly designed… but why does it exist? It’s not that different from the (paper) Shift>Mag published by Tipik in Brussels, a publication that I’ve written for a […]