
EU Politics, Technology

The Citzalia plot deepens

It seems my earlier blog posts (1, 2, 3) about Citzalia, the virtual European Parliament game costing €275000, managed to put some thoughts into UKIP’s head, and specifically led to some questions to the EP’s administration asked by Godfrey Bloom MEP as reported by Gawain at England Expects. The official […]


New blog design – a work in progress

As you can see I’ve had a bit of a clean up around here… The blog design is now much whiter and simpler, with a clearer emphasis on the content of the blog posts. Because I needed a swift solution I’ve based the design on the excellent Wu Wei theme […]


Chronically crap O2 service

16th September – order O2 broadband and they send me a confirmation e-mail. 17th September they set up my direct debit. 24th September they activate the line, 2 days late, but not bad. The day after they even rather nauseatingly tell me I am connected, and to smile about it. […]