EU Politics

EU Politics

Why do we even give a damn about the Eastern Partnership?

Some other EU bloggers (see Dominika Pszczółkowska and Tony Barber) are concerned about the rather poor turnout at the Eastern Partnership summit in Prague this week. But is it remotely surprising? And should we care? The Czech Presidency has been a farce – Topolanek who tried to hold it together […]

EU Politics

It’s time for Germany to learn some lessons on transparency

What’s up with Germany? What do they have to hide? I attended a press conference organised by yesterday entitled “Who wants to be a farm subsidy millionaire?” where Jack Thurston, Brigitte Alfter and others presented the latest data on CAP payments using the latest statistics on agriculture spending due […]

EU Politics

Popo Posselt and Bavarian electoral absurdities

München is in the middle of the election fever campaign for 7th June European elections and this has prompted a whole load of parties to come up with their election posters. Foremost among them is the CSU, in danger of not polling 5% of the votes nationally in Germany and […]

EU Politics

Berlin Hohenschönhausen Prison

I lived in Berlin for 6 months in late 2001 / early 2002; since then I feel I have been playing catch up, trying to understand a city that I was too young to fully appreciate when I lived there. Perhaps I should rephrase: I reasons I enjoyed my time […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

G20: the ultimate postmodern fudge

The seating order at the pre-summit dinner is vital (Indonesia and South Korea should be especially happy apparently), the UK is gripped by Michelle Obama’s dresses and the fact she towers over the queen and Barack gave the queen an iPod. In the meantime all the sherpas are beavering away […]