

UK politics, all so wrong it’s hard to know where to start

So there it is, in black and white. Вперед, к Cуверенитету comrades! Onwards, to sovereignty! Today’s FT long read (€) on how the Brexit Deal was struck and what happens next is a remarkable piece of work, drawing together a series of disparate parts of the past 12 months of the […]


The No Deal Brexit Terminology

OK, I might be jumping the gun – there may yet be a Deal between Britain and the EU – but as a result of this discussion with Catherine De Vries, it’s important to grasp the nettle – what terminology do we use for what comes in Brexit after 1st […]


Scotch Eggs are GREAT – and other sarcastic tourist posters

UPDATE! New posters – to celebrate this! I have always found the GREAT Britain campaign – those posters you see at airports and railway stations – rather nauseating. It’s a bit like a product that calls itself ‘de luxe’ – it probably isn’t. To scream that you’re GREAT… well, maybe […]