
Technology, UK Politics

Progress | Was 2010 the internet election?

“Was 2010 the internet election? It was the first, but the internet alone didn’t win the election, and politicians need to avoid the pitfall of broadcasting without listening Last week a couple of hundred people involved in internet politics met to discuss the impact of the internet on the UK […]

EU Politics

The Guardian | The EU’s gentlemen’s club

“Right now in Brussels the heads of the 27 national governments of the European Union’s member states will be milling around. Gordon Brown will be lobbying for Tony Blair, Herman Van Rompuy will be trying to persuade people he is not as anonymous as many fear, and José Manuel Barroso […]

UK Politics

LabourList | Ken for Commissioner?

“As Glenis Willmott rightly points out on Labourlist today the European Parliament elections should be the short term priority for Labour. With the Tories set to leave the EPP-ED group in the European Parliament it’s vital that Cameron’s right wing lunatic pals are brought to the attention of the British […]

EU Politics

openDemocracy | Reforming the European Parliament

“The European Parliament is trying to decide how numbers of MEPs will be allocated between different Member States in the future. The Severin-Lamassoure idea is there should be 750 MEPs, with 6 per Member State, and a maximum of 96 for the largest country. Seats for the countries in between […]