Tag: EU Communications

EU Politics, Technology

Handling a comms mess – Citzalia

My previous post about Citzalia has been creating waves in the small pond of EU debate throughout the day. The blog entry was first linked from Tim Worstall, then appeared in the Open Europe press review, and has then subsequently been linked by England Expects, Politics.ie, The Endless Track and […]

Mostra 2009 Portfolio Screeshot - from mostra.com
EU Politics, Technology

Some weird parallel EU communications universe

A retweet from @belitabrux drew my attention today to a Mostra e-book called Opinion Corner. Take a look – it’s well researched, looks smartly designed… but why does it exist? It’s not that different from the (paper) Shift>Mag published by Tipik in Brussels, a publication that I’ve written for a […]