The results of the concours for administrators are now out, and – surprise, surprise – I did not manage to pass. Here’s the extract of the letter:

The selection board for the above competition has now finished marking the pre-selection tests in which you participated. I regret to inform you that although the marks you obtained in these tests were above or equal to the pass mark, you were not amongst the top 630 candidates.

Point B.1 of the competition notice stipulates that only those candidates with the 630 highest marks in the pre-selection tests would be asked to submit a full application with a view to their possible admission to the competition.

Your marks are as follows (1):

Test a): 38.333 /60 (pass mark 30)
Test b): 15.263 /20 (pass mark 10)
Test c): 30.769 /40 (pass mark 20)

Total: 84.365/ 120

For your information, the candidates who obtained the 630 highest combined scores had at least 92.611 points.

I would add that the Selection Board’s decision does not preclude you from taking part in any future competitions organised by the European Personnel Selection Office.

It’s beyond me how one can get 15.263 / 20 when there were 40 questions, but anyway, c’est la vie. All the best to all the geeks who know who won the Sakharov prize in the year X or other equally useful everyday facts.

Blog commenter ‘viking’ has made some new test files available for download, and he had also supplied the manual for electronic Reserve Lists. Some additional test files have been provided by Sorina (see comment #1003) – download 342kb, ZIPped. Enjoy!

If anyone is a member of Facebook there’s the ‘So I won’t be a Commission official’ Facebook Group, and the EU Integration Traveler IQ challenge (you need to add the Traveler IQ Facebook application) – a more fun way to revise for the concours…

Due to such an enormous number of comments here I have had to divide the comments function. The latest few hundred comments are below, and all the older comments are archived here. All should work technically now.


  1. Pedder


    21,3 – I think that was the number of points required to be among the top 1440, right? I would be interested in the number of points required to be among the top 480, and thus for admittance to the written tests… does anyone know?

  2. For AD 5 auditors, it was 23,6

  3. Michel


    The minimum points to be admitted to the written tests of EPSO/AD/126/08 was 23.6/30

  4. it seems that 23.66 was the last points to be admited to written tests, 21.33 was the last one to send the complete file

  5. @Amalia
    I just received a message from the REA telling me I wasn’t selected for the interview. So I guess if you haven’t heard anything yet, then at least you haven’t been eliminated.
    As for the ERECA, the only thing I’ve heard from them was about 2 weeks ago saying they were running behind.
    Best of luck

  6. Breach

    @Amalia, nope, not a word. At least ERCEA were nice enough to publish this notice. Either we weren’t shortlisted or they are being delayed.

  7. Amalia

    @To everybody involved in REA/ERCEA TAs competitions

    Anybody got fresh/good news from REA/ERCEA? They should start the interviews for TAs on mid-November…and it’s already 11/4 😀

  8. Pedder


  9. HTH,

    I forgot to mention I am entitled of an expatriation allowance which is I think 16%
    of gross earnings, ie 670 euro. That’s maybe why I had read for an after tax income of 4000.
    But please could you give me some analysis of the all the amounts suffered at source, so that 4208
    becomes net income.
    Thank you once more for your first answer

  10. Pedder

    AD/126/08 audit

    uph, that took a long time!!

    Does anyone happen to know the minimum number of points required in order to be admitted to the written tests? I think the figure should have been communicated to those not admitted… I would really appreciate the info!

    Thanx in advance


  11. HTH,

    thank you very much for your information. I should give you further details, that’s for sure.
    Actually I am the case in the answer you gave, except that I will potentially working in Luxemburg.
    I have read in an other comment that after tax income (not net income) is about 4000. Can you please give some
    details for the derivation of 3247, supposing 4208 as gross.

    thank you once again

  12. simpucis

    firstly – i have a question concerning the internal concours they plan to launch.
    I understood that with the present staff regulations it is not possible any more to launch these concours.
    secondly-I am working as CA and according to the published announcement on the internal concour – it is only for officials and TA. is that correct?
    thank you in advance
    PS if anyone has some ideas about AD 5 written test, please let me know

  13. EPSO/AD/126/08 – Auditeurs – AD5
    Results are out, I take the written test, in Brussels, Friday 5/12/2008..
    (I had 26/30)

  14. Stefano


    Dear Dana,

    first of all I’m not an HR People, so it is based on my own experience, plus some tools we have to manage this.
    Regarding expatriation allowance

    to officials:
    – who are not and have never been nationals of the State in whose territory the place where they are
    employed is situated, and
    – who during the five years ending six months before they entered the service did not habitually reside or
    carry on their main occupation within the European territory of that State. For the purposes of this
    provision, circumstances arising from work done for another State or for an international organisation shall not be taken into account;
    (b) to officials who are or have been nationals of the State in whose territory the place where they are
    employed is situated but who during the 10 years ending at the date of their entering the service habitually
    resided outside the European territory of that State for reasons other than the performance of duties in the
    service of a State or of an international organisation.

    Which means that you have to provide at least an historical residence certificate for the past years.
    If you work for an international organization it is another matter, but personally I think it is difficult to demonstrate that you were not there if you were there.

    And take into serious consideration that if for any reason you give them data which are not clear and in contrast, they will simply give you an entitlement sheet in which it will not be granted until any further decision (which can take months).

    I advise you just to give them an historical residence certificate, if you have the right they will grant you the allowance, in the worst case you will get the 4%, better than nothing.

    Best regards.


  15. I had 24/30 and was also admitted.

  16. sparta

    EPSO/AD/126/08 – Auditeurs – AD5
    Results are out, I take the written test, in Brussels, Friday 12/5/2008..
    (I had 24.7/30)

  17. niccolo

    @ Roman
    Thanks a lot for your support, my email is: cosnic79 {at} yahoo {dot} it
    Looking forward to receiving your material and break a leg for the competition! 😀

  18. Stefano


    Difficult to say with so few information:
    – you should tell us what is the place of empl.;
    – if you are married;
    – number of kids;
    – place of origin;
    – which step you belong.

    The actual base salary is 4.208 for BRU, in 2009, depending on what the EP will establish end of Dec., could increase between 1.5 and 4% (last year it was 2.1% if I’m not wrong) and it is depending on the recalculation coefficient which depends on where is located your EU institution.

    The net pay is 3247 Euro, always for BRU with Step 1, no kid, no wife, no expat allowance.



  19. marina

    Roman, that is nice!!!!
    can you send the information to me, too
    grazie!!! 🙂
    best regards

  20. @ Roman,

    Would be glad to receive some of the tons of things you have at 🙂

    Regards, Christos

  21. @ Niccolo

    Ciao Niccolo, I have tons of things for AD/99/07 (I’m in Field 2), including all details for panel and materials. Leave email if you want to, and I’ll send you the information.


  22. niccolo

    Sorry, here you go my former post:
    I have been admitted to the oral test for the “AD 99/07 – Administrators in the Building Sector” competition (field 3: buildings environmental technology management).
    Does any of you have clues on which material is worth studying? Also, I would like to ask you if you know something on the fields of expertise of selection board members. Knowing their main competencies, their most recent activities etc. could help candidates to focus their preparation.
    The selection board members (as indicated in EPSO website) are:
    Chairman: Luc Clerebaut; Alternate Chairman: Jan Vanparijs;
    Full Members: Diogo Quintela, Panagiotis Togias;
    Alternate Members: Serge Kerkhofs; Gianpaolo Meneghini.
    Thanks a lot and good luck to people who are in the same competition!

  23. niccolo

    @ everybody
    I have posted a comment (on AD 99/07 competition – oral test and selection board) but I haven’t seen it posted, neither pending approval…and I couldn’t post it again since the system says I have already posted it.
    Has anybody experienced the same problem? Hope this comment will show up! 😀
    Thank a lot

  24. Does anybody know what the AD5 salary will be for 2009?

  25. cosnic

    AD 99/07 (Administrators in the Building Sector) – Oral test and Selection Board.
    I have just been informed that I have been admitted to the oral test for the above-mentioned selection (field 3 – buildings environmental technology management).
    I would like to ask you if anyone knows the members of the selection board (also indirectly), namely their fields of activity.
    It is obviously strictly forbidden to contact them, but knowing which are their main competencies, on which subjects are they focusing recently etc. might help candidates to better focus their preparation (and I couldn’t find a lot googling their names).
    The members of the selection board (as indicated in EPSO website) are:
    Chairman: Luc Clerebaut; Alternate Chairman: Jan Vanparijs;
    Full Members: Diogo Quintela, Panagiotis Togias;
    Alternate Members: Serge Kerkhofs; Gianpaolo Meneghini.
    Thanks a lot and good luck to everyone who is in the same competition.

  26. Did anybody look at the Relex 2008 test results statistics (

    According to the number of successful candidates (2018 for FG IV operationnal Section) and the number of available position (260 announced in the Job profil), I would have about 13% of chance to be recruited, not taking into account the Cast Relex 27 candidates who are still waiting… It seems to be much less than Relex 27, more positions were opened (600 for FG IV operational section) and the number of successful candidates was also lower (1771). Maybe, better not to have too much hope…

  27. Hi Dodo,
    Actually it was not me, but someone else who got this answer, and I just copied it. I am still waiting and have not reply yet. I have only 23 points and really curious if this number (and my diploma) will be sufficient to go to the written part.

  28. @ Kentia: what diploma you have if that they refused your qualifications?

    @ A: I’m waiting too for seeing if they will accept my file or not. I had the same answer as you have from Epso for Olaf exam, when I wrote to them in august, knowing that some friends of mine have received a negative answer. Much later, on 24th of September, I have received the invitation to the written test which took place yesterday. I was a little surprised they accepted my file, because I never work on antifraud directly, not even in audit, I work in accounting, then I made operational control for the financial markets and now I’m working on internal control.
    Now I really wonder if for the audit competition AD126 it will be Ok or not, I had 26/30 on pre-selection tests, but my university diploma it’s on technical field and my accounting diploma it’s not at university level (Belgium haute école). Now I can just wait and see…

  29. @all EPSO/126 audit candidates

    Like you all I am also on hold waiting for the decision of the Selection Board. In the meantime, would anyone have the exam questions for the written part of the previous audit competition EPSO/AD/27/05? I would be very grateful to receive a copy.

    Thank you all and good luck!!!

  30. Audit 126/08
    invitations to the written stage
    hard to make any speculations, they have their ways of doing it
    see below

    “As this is a lengthy
    procedure, not all candidates will be informed at the same time. Not receiving a
    letter from EPSO at the same time as other candidates do, should not be
    interpreted as a potential admission or non-admission of yours. All candidates
    will be informed in due course about their admission or non-admission to the
    written tests of the competition.”

  31. Pedder

    @ Franck:

    ok, sorry – Isee what you are getting at. you might be right with that assumption.

  32. Amalia

    Sorry…now I see…:-) you discuss about the lowest score for admission after sending the documents 🙂
    Nice evening (and good luck) to all!

  33. Amalia

    @ kentia

    AD 126/Auditors

    K, it’s strange what happened with you. I failed with almost 21/30.
    Epso said in my message :”For your information, the candidates who obtained the 1440 highest combined scores obtained at least 21.333 points”

  34. Franck

    @ pedder re: AD 126 audit

    my asumption is that they have started checking the eligibility criteria of the person with the highest score and are currently moving down the list. if you are not eligible, they let you know and they move to the next highest score. when they get 480 persons eligible, they stop.

    I don’t know if this is the way they do it, but it looks like the most efficient and logical way of doing it. If you accept this, then knowing that someone has been rejected with a score of 25 tells you something. It tells that those who have not heard from epso and who have a higher score are certainly eligible.

    So I am very grateful to anyone rejected who is willing to share one’s results.



  35. Does anybody have scanned copies of the written test texts (English/Spanish/French) that they could send me by e-mail for the Competition EPSO/AD/100/07-OP 2 Linguistic Administrators (AD5) having EN as main language?

  36. Well I just found out I passed the written tests for English translators, so now I have to figure out what to do for the oral test! Can’t quite believe it…


  37. Pedder

    @ Franck

    Well, as I said: I think none of the unfortunate who got rejected got rejected because of a low score, but only because of a lack of education related to audit – so their scores do not tell us anything! There is a possibility that the passing score is low – or high. Who knows. Anything is still possible!

  38. Ben Hook


    the passing rate of 126 is (was) 21,3. So maybe you just need some luck. So be optimistic and patient

  39. Franck

    Thanks guys. I know it’s not rocket science. I agree kentia’s message still leaves the possibility that the passing score is lower but it tells those who are above 25 and still expecting an answer that they are very likely to be eligible. Thank you very much Kentia !

    I am 23,6 (so not that optimistic …). If anyone has been advised that he/she is not eligible with a score below this level, I would be very interested to know. cheers

  40. Pedder

    Audit 126

    As I had mentioned in a previous comment, I assume that only those have been notified who did not meet the eligibility criteria in terms of “qualification / education related to audit”. At least I haven’t read any comment like “I have been rejected because my test score was too low”, but only ” they did not accept my degree as related to audit”. So – even if someone with a 25/30 score got rejected, it MIGHT still be possible that the passing score to be admitted to the written tests is lower. (it might also be higher of course – who knows) I guess that they do accept the qualifications of everyone who did not receive a rejection letter so far.

    So – we can only assume that our qualifications are ok, but that’s it. Anything else is speculation. It all depends on 1) how many people did submit their documents at all (as far as I have heard, there is always a significant number of “no-shows” in any phase of the competition process) 2) how many people received a rejection because EPSO did not accept their qualification as “related to audit”. (if all 1440 did submit an application, and only a small number of candidates received a rejection letter due “wrong” qualifications, the passing score is likely to be high; if only 1200 or so submit their documents, and a third got rejected – the passing score is likely to be low)

    So – I totally agree with Ben: be patient and optimistic 😉

  41. kentia

    About audit126

    I got a 25/30 and I was notified long ago I didn’t pass (3/10/2008)

    Good luck!!

  42. Hi Ben Hook,
    you comment frequently on audit126. How to prepare for the written exam? Especially for the esay/case?

  43. Jessica

    @anyone interested about the REA Temporary Agent positions

    I enquired about the state of play of the REA call and received the following response ie no real information.

    “Dear Applicant,

    Thank you for your message.

    The Research Executive Agency (REA) received a large number of
    applications for the above-referenced post and the selection process is still
    ongoing. For the moment we can not give you ian indication of the
    further planning, but you will be informed as soon as we have any news
    regarding your application.

    Yours faithfully,

    The Human Resources Team – REA”.

  44. Ben Hook


    there are 1400 or smtg like that, “initial” candidates, of whom about 1000 will fail to pass. Even if 20 of those 1000 respond specifically and with the details that you are asking for, I don’t think that you can, and we in general, can have a reliable sample. But I agree 100% with your thinking.
    Now, as far as you haven’t received any bad news, then probably you won’t. I suppose you have red comment #2039, so I suggest you be more patient and more optimistic man!! The results will be out there in less than a month. Don’t ask someone who has failed to provide you with data for statistic inference, or whatever you came up with. Just be optimistic.

  45. Franck

    re: EPSO AD 126/08

    Could those who have received rejection letters (sorry) share with us the scores they got at the pre-selection tests ? This would give those who have had higher scores some assurance that they will go through.

    My assumption here is that they are moving down the list. So if someone who had 25 was notified that he/she did not meet the eligibility criteria, then it means someone who has 26 and who has not got any feedback yet is very likely to be on the final list.

    Many thanks in advance for those who will agree to share the bad news.


  46. @Dan

    They have inserted the notes in my profile contained in the electronic version of the reserve lists (e-RL), which are accesible to the institutions. They sent me emails in order to inform me about this and they sent me also the inserted text. Now I can see them when I click on “Your status in the reserve list” but back then we did not have this possibility.
    This applies only for open copmetitions. Regarding CAST 27 they have informed me also per email but there is no link in your EPSO profile.

  47. @ Elena,
    you write “In my case they have inserted everywhere a note ”
    Is this in your EPSO profile ? Which part ?

  48. @ nova

    In my case (present on two reserve lists and in the CAST 27 database) they have inserted everywhere a note that I am in the recruitment process respetively that I work for the EC. Maybe in your case they’ve just forgotten that.

  49. Olivia

    I absolutely don´t understand why not all the people who passed CAST are not invited to have an interview. Wenn I did CAST27,I met somebody who was already in the precedent CAST Databank, and well, she did not get any invitation. So she made AGAIN the CAST exam. As far as I am concerned, I guess that EPSO wrote secretely under mein name “Don´t hire her, under any circumtances!!!”

  50. Apologies for the rather strange presentation of the comments form (and indeed the list of comments!) here over the last few days – I have been doing some server maintenance and this impacted on paged comments system on this post in particular. It should be back to normal now.

    Any technical questions then please use the Contact Form

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