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EU Politics

One rule for farmers, another rule for everyone else

I managed to avoid the milk-farmer chaos in Brussels on Thursday and Friday – hundreds of tractors driving slowly to bring protests about low milk prices to the European Council. But what exactly are the farmers whingeing about, and what should be done about it? This piece from EUObserver has […]


Ravel 2, Namur-Tienen, on skates

No Belgium Rollers this week (due to the European Council in Brussels), so a sortie into the countryside of Wallonia instead – 42km from Namur to Tienen, most of it on Ravel 2 (Ravel is the Walloon network of long distance cycle paths). The route is along an old railway, […]

EU Politics

Campaign to back Barroso getting dirty

As an alumnus of the College of Europe in Bruges I periodically get e-mails on the student e-mail lists. This one has recently reached me: Dear Alumni, Following  the recent elections for the European Parliament, the nomination of the Commission’s President is now on the European Agenda. The European Movement […]

EU Politics

Th!nk European Commission

I’m at the final event of the Th!nk About It project in Rotterdam. We havge people from just about all Member States of the EU here, all of them bloggers, and the EP elections are now over. So how about use the knowledge in the room to look at the […]


Brussels Rollers 2 – 26.7km and fast!

Much better Brussels Rollers tonight – further, faster, better. Speed topped at 46.1km/h on the descent from Montgomery to Woluwe, and the sprint from Montgomery past Mérode and Schuman onto rue de la Loi was almost as quick. I ended up 3rd in the 2 sprints, but won the hill […]

EU Politics

Introducing the Gabon Coalition

One of the great things about the Twitter is that it allows you to be rather silly and flippant about serious topics – just look what we managed with @AtheistBus. But this post is about EU politics. For today, in a discussion with @JulienFrisch, @spiller2 and @kosmopolit, I managed to […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

Rebuilding the European left

The European Parliament Election results on Sunday were not good for social democratic and labour parties across Europe, polling 3% less than at the elections in 2004. PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, posting at Labourlist, states rather blandly that “We need more PES, not less PES” so as to do […]

UK Politics

Gordon Brown and AV – no, not now Gordon

At the ‘we don’t want to oust Gordon’ PLP meeting earlier this week many words were spoken about how the Prime Minister had learnt the lessons of the last week, how he was now going to be better at listening. So what news slips out today? That the Prime Minister […]

EU Politics

EP elections – thoughts on the first results

Results – all unofficial at the moment – are staring to drift in, and things are looking quite terrible for the left across Europe. So far the left is only up in Malta, Slovakia and Greece (with a decent result also expected in Ireland), and behind elsewhere – poor results […]