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EU Politics

Some examples of the power of Youtube

In the presentations I make about the impact of the internet on politics and society, Youtube often gets a mention. Although not all explicitly political, these are 3 of my favourites. Think of what you could do with some inspiration like this… Dave Carroll, the singer in the first one, […]

EU Politics

The modern modern art gallery

It’s normally the first thing on my agenda when visiting a new city: take a trip to the best modern art gallery in town and spend a few hours wandering around. But I’m getting increasingly jaded, and here’s why. This describes the modern art gallery I’ve most recently visited: It […]


How to make a conference presentation

I’ve been making presentations to all kinds of events over the last few months, and I’ve been reflecting on my performance and the performance of others. All of this was brought into especially sharp focus by the Quadriga Online Communications conference in Amsterdam on Friday where I gave a 30 […]

EU Politics

Running on empty

A small word of apology for the complete lack of activity here over the last couple of weeks… Life is beyond manic at the moment – too much travel for work, loads of teaching and business assignments all over the place. I’ll be in Den Haag Thursday, then at the […]

EU Politics

Atheists’ right to advertise

One of the arguments that my German friends like to make against the Atheist Bus Campaign (and especially it’s German equivalent) is that ‘because there is no religious advertising on public transport in Germany atheists do not need to advertise’. This is the sort of reasoning why companies such as […]

EU Politics

German election: a tough night for the left, where now?

Hoping for the continuation of the grand coalition was the best the SPD could hope for before yesterday’s Bundestagswahl. In the end the result was even worse than that: 23.1% and a historic low vote for the social democrats. Guido Westerwelle’s beaming grim was everywhere, the FDP the big winners […]