Recent Posts


2 new websites launched: AMRIE & JEF-Malta

As ever I have been busy working on new website projects and have managed to launch two new sites in the last few days. The first is for AMRIE (The Alliance of Maritime Regional Interests in Europe). It’s a site using the Typo3 Content Management system and is notable for […]

EU Politics

Germany: get the policy right, not the language

Germany is apparently stepping up its efforts to allow German to have more prominence in Brussels, according to this article from EUObserver. Bundestag president Norbert Lammert wrote in a letter to European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso that the German parliament would refuse to debate EU documents that were not […]

Dave the Chameleon
UK Politics

Dave the Chameleon: fun, but little impact?

In the best tradition of UK election campaigns, Labour has come up with Dave the Chameleon, an amusing campaign that aims to show that Tory leader David Cameron says he’s conservative but changes his colours to suit. When you see it first it looks quite fun, but then if you […]

Lingon Berry

Google and the blog

The version of this blog at the old address managed to attract quite some hits thanks to rankings in Google – try searching for Lingon Berry and you get this blog top of the list. But with the move to .eu all that was in jeopardy – links to the […]

EU Politics

Pälsdjur eller ej pälsdjur: that is the question

It’s quite important to have a laugh when you are trying to make the first steps learning a foreign language. Swedish has plenty such amusing phrases, normally involving you getting your tongue around horrid sj and sch sounds in Sju sjösjuka sjömän på sjunkande skeppet Shanghai sköttes av sju sköna sjuksköterskor. However my personal favourite is […]


Mämmi and Easter in Helsinki

I seem to be writing all my posts here in the wrong order! I write about the journey back to the UK after the Easter weekend before explaining what I was doing over the four days… Anyway, Helena and I went to visit Elina and Antti (friends from JEF) in […]

Web Design Index page

Web Design Index 6 – a thoroughly pleasant book

While in Helsinki over the Easter weekend, I happened to be browsing in the shop of the Kiasma Modern Art museum (nice site actually – runs on Typo3, my favourite content management system) and came across an excellent book: the Web Design Index 6. The book contains 1002 small screenshots […]

Art of Possibility

The Art of Possibility. Maybe.

I have just finished reading The Art of Possibility by Rosamund S. Zander and Benjamin Zander (link to Amazon’s page about it). Helena’s mother had given it to me to read after some interesting debates about management and leadership a few months ago. The book offers a series of Practices […]

eu domain flag

.eu frustrations

It’s always good to be a pioneer, especially if it’s something to do with both politics and technology. So on Friday 7th April I rushed to register the domain, and by Sunday 9th April everything was up and running – domain name directing to blog and website, POP3 mailboxes, […]

EU Politics

Italians outside Italy come to haunt Berlusconi

After more than 24 hours of intrigue and wrangling, it looks like Prodi’s Unione has managed to achieve the narrowest possible victory in the Italian election. The margin for the Camera was something ludicrous like 0.06% but the election system means Prodi will get 55% of the seats. For the […]

Margot Wallström campaigning

Blogging: will politics sit up and listen?

Today on BBC News Online there is this interesting piece about the relationship between blogging and business. The essential thrust of the article is that if businesses do not listen to the swell of opinion written on blogs their business will suffer. This inevitably leads me to wonder if and […]