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Wallonie Luxembourg
EU Politics

Macedonia: what’s in a name?

There are plenty of rivalries that you could argue have some sort of justification, yet the ongoing disputes over the name Macedonia strike me as totally ludicrous. I’ve come across few issues in EU politics that contain such fire as when you tell a Greek that ‘Macedonia’ wants to join […]

Progressivt EU
EU Politics

Progressivt EU, and how any campaign cannot forget the internet

The blogging world is a complex and interesting place. Thanks to Technorati, I have today discovered that my blog has been syndicated by the Danish multi-blog site EU Section. Quite a privilege as my posts are there together with syndicated feeds from Dan Jørgensen, Margot Wallström and Ã…sa Westlund. […]

Grey Blair
UK Politics

Britain’s grey baby-boomer cabinet

Politicians have the reputation of being boring and grey, and also predominantly male. So how does the UK cabinet shape up? And what might there be on the horizon? If you read until the end of this entry you’ll find the table of stats but – in short – the […]

Ballot Box
EU Politics

The expat vote in the 2009 European Elections

Step by step people are waking up to the potential of expat voters in elections, or at least realising that the formalities of organising elections need to be improved. According to EUObserver, the European Commission is looking at the issues around getting nationals of other EU states to run, and […]


Ultimate Christmas kitsch in Lisbon

Only now have I had the opportunity to download and do something with my pictures from the weekend in Lisbon and Porto after the PES Congress. Overall the Portuguese are a stylish bunch, but somehow they manage to let all of their worst tendencies escape when it comes to how […]

Rasmussen animation
EU Politics

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, leader of the PES

Poul was re-elected as leader of the PES in Porto. This has allowed him to make plenty of speeches on the podium. It’s the first time I have seen Rasmussen perform in the flesh, and he’s actually quite impressive. He comes across as honest, as expressive, and almost emotional in […]

EU Politics

Royal in Porto: the anglophone press doesn’t care

A quick check of Google News this morning maybe explains why Ségolène Royal’s speech yesterday was 100% in French. Searching Google News – French Version – for ‘Ségolène Royal’ gives more than 20 articles about her speech in Porto, with titles such as ‘Ségolène Royal ovationnée au Portugal’ – do […]

Poland © European Commission Audiovisual Library
EU Politics

Party politics: what’s going on in Poland?

The Polish government has been roundly criticised for its stance on a number of EU issues recently – the veto of the EU-Russia Treaty for example. I had perhaps naively assumed that the problems stemmed largely from the positions of the Law & Justice Party that is currently predominant in […]