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Balloon popping
UK Politics

Little hope in the spring sunshine

I’m sat typing at the table in the window in my small flat in Walworth. A small vase of daffodils stands on the table and the April sun is shining on the cars parked in the road outside. It’s Easter Sunday, the middle of a long weekend, and I should […]

Poland EU
EU Politics

Why large EU states are no longer so equal

I’ve had a go at Poland’s approach to the EU here previously and – as before – it cannot be defended. The dual majority system for Council voting, as proposed by the European Constitution, is the way to go to streamline decision making. However, thanks to some very geeky calculations, […]


So the employers are out there…

There’s been a bit of debate in the last week about how a French industrial tribunal found in favour of blogger ‘petite anglaise’ – Catherine Sanderson – who had been writing abour work matters under a pseudonym. She writes about her experiences in Comment is Free here. Some research has […]

Queen and £20 note
UK Politics

The Queen’s eternal youth

The Bank of England has issued a new £20 bank note. It’s been controversial as it has Adam Smith on the back side (see the Bank of England website for more). But what struck me when one of the new notes first came out of the cash machine for me […]

Twins Square Root
EU Politics

Poland: go to hell on square roots

Poland is really making a reputation for itself in EU circles at the moment – not for the right reasons. They are again forcing their idea that voting weights in Council should be proportional to the square root of a country’s population, not directly proportional to population – as proposed […]

Potholes Map

Pothole reporting

A colleague at work mentioned MySociety‘s new website to me – Neighbourhood Fix It. This is a site that allows you to report all kinds of minor problems in your area. I’ve just used it to report a major pothole on my cycle route between Waterloo and Elephant & Castle. […]

Spiegel cover page
EU Politics

What should we make of the Supermutterpowertochter?

She has risen fast in German politics, Ursula von der Leyen. A CDU member since 1990, she has been family and health minister in Angela Merkel’s government since 2005, and now is taking her family politics to the EU level with calls to make EU policies more family friendly – […]