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EU Politics

Populism on the left and right – an analysis

I have been sent an advance copy of the publication “Democracy, Populism and Minority Rights”, published today by the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, on the basis of a common seminar with the Renner Institute in Austria. The book is edited by Socialist Group MEPs Hannes Swoboda and Jan […]

EU Politics

Waterloo – a waste of 5 platforms

The new Eurostar terminal at St Pancras is great, and indeed I’m a big fan of Eurostar overall. But what about the old terminal at Waterloo, vacated by Eurostar in November 2007? I passed it for the first time today (en route to Sunningdale with South West Trains) and things […]

EU Politics

Dignified MacShane-bashing

Denis MacShane is an unusual character. Rather a loose cannon as Europe Minister, he’s undoubtedly one of the most pro-EU MPs in the Labour Party. But his article on Comment is Free about European Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson is wide of the mark, although the main gist of the […]

UK Politics

In your face atheism?

Preachers on street corners, ads in the underground and on the sides of buses – you can’t spend a day in central London without being confronted by some sign that religion should be your only salvation. In frustration I’ve had a rather sporadic go at this in the past – […]

EU Politics

Cowen’s wish list

Mark Mardell has a list of the Irish population’s 8 concerns about the EU as perceived by Taoiseach Brian Cowen, and presumably each of these is a factor in the No vote in the referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon. These 8 issues are: World trade talks. Suggestions of tax […]

EU Politics

Barroso, the game’s up

Jean Quatremer (original French, Google translation) has a strongly worded critique of José Manuel Barroso’s role in the process of drafting the European Constitution, and his (lack of) reaction as Commission President during the 2005 No votes in France and Netherlands, and then the Commission’s flat reaction to the goings-on […]

EU Politics

Download Firefox today – for so many reasons

The new version of the Firefox browser is now available. If, like me, you’ve been using version 2.0.x then you’ll know it’s a good browser, but version 3.0 will be even better. Plus there are a whole load of other reasons to download it today (in the 24 hours between […]

EU Politics

Political elites and the EU

In London yesterday morning an eerie calm fell over Whitehall. No traffic, not even pedestrians. George Bush, leader of the free world, was in town. So, ordinary people, get out of the way. Returning to Brussels yesterday evening I find razor wire barricades already set up at Rue Joseph II […]

EU Politics

Irish vote No – some calm respect please

I hope I’m premature writing this – final results in the Irish referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon have not yet been released but all the tallies so far point towards a No vote. That’s also the impression conveyed to me via people in Dublin. No vote has been confirmed […]