UK Politics

Plane at Berlin Tegel - CC / Flickr
EU Politics, UK Politics

The ideal airport

There has been masses of discussion in the last few days in the UK media about airport security in light of a failed attempt to blow up a transatlantic airliner. The UK and US have been jumping to come up with more technological solutions to the problems of airport security. […]

Spotted recently at St Pancras - mockup on the basis of an original CC / Flickr image
EU Politics, UK Politics

Maybe Eurostar needed divine intervention?

In some weird transport / religion crossover an online magazine called Communicate Jesus has done a write-up on the Eurostar mess and has linked to my post about the issue. Seems they did not notice the Atheist Bus banner in my sidebar 🙂 Their article is entitled ‘Important lesson from […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

From Lilongwe to Copenhagen

So the news from the COP15 talks this morning is rather inevitable. The USA and a few other countries have cobbled together some sort of deal, and developing countries (and even – weedily – the European Union) are complaining it’s deeply inadequate. There will be some effort to save face, […]