UK Politics

Technology, UK Politics

Progress | Was 2010 the internet election?

“Was 2010 the internet election? It was the first, but the internet alone didn’t win the election, and politicians need to avoid the pitfall of broadcasting without listening Last week a couple of hundred people involved in internet politics met to discuss the impact of the internet on the UK […]

Map - CC / Flickr
UK Politics

Britain’s 6 election regions

This is not a post about election systems. It is a post about the pattern of election results in the UK general election on 6th May 2010. The thinking here is still rather vague, but I think there’s something to it. The best that UK political commentators ever seem to […]

BBC - CC / Flickr
Technology, UK Politics

Framing the debate: Future of the BBC

There’s something deeply wrong with the ‘debate’ currently going on about the future of the BBC, and I think it boils down to the essential question: what is the value of public service broadcasting? Two themes dominate the debate at the moment. The first is a kind of cost-benefit analysis, […]