
Technology, UK Politics

What’s the point of #NetrootsUK?

We’re half way through Netroots UK, and I am struggling with this event a bit. Here are a few tweets that raise some of the important questions: Very good question. RT @jvictor7: What's #netrootsuk all about?? — Dave Briggs (@davebriggs) January 8, 2011 Is #netrootsuk just a dress rehearsal for […]

Technology, UK Politics

Twitter: the new new mainstream

A Very Public Sociologist has completed a second annual survey of the number of Twitter followers of people who also write political blogs in the UK. I finished up 34th on this list last year, now I’m down to 61st. Other people who blog alongside their main non-media day job […]

Screenshots from the iTunes Store
EU Politics, Technology

The Honeyball, erm, Buzz iPhone app

There’s always an advantage to being the first to use some new technology. Or at least there should be, if it’s done well. While the rest of the world has been thinking up good iPhone (and other mobile) apps for some time, these things are thin on the ground in […]

EU Politics, Technology

Let’s get #EUCO trending

There are two live Twitter walls at today’s European Council in Brussels, as shown above in this Twitpic from @EUCouncilPress. All you have to do is put #EUCO in your tweets. A few of my contributions so far: All EU Countries: fair trial and follow the legal process for Assange. […]

Technology, UK Politics

Blogging: the new mainstream

There have been a couple of watershed moments in UK online politics in the last few weeks, notably the reaction to the Wikileaks cables and the decision of a number of well known British political bloggers to stop blogging, importantly Iain Dale and Tom Harris. These developments are related and show, […]