EU Politics

EU Politics

Marty & The CoE Report – a more considered analysis

The Council of Europe report into the rendition flights across Europe was released on Tuesday this week. The press across Europe was filled with details of the claims that were made by author of the report, Dick Marty, that Europe was complicit in deportation of suspects to locations where they […]

EU Politics, Technology

Do eu blog? TNF article

At last – some work for the Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) that does not entail updating their website! I wrote an article entitled ‘Do EU blog?‘ for the latest edition of The New Federalist, the JEF magazine. The article is about whether EU politicians are serious about using the internet, […]

EDF Where Do They Get Their Energy From?
EU Politics

Where do they get these ideas from? EDF

The joys of EU energy market liberalisation. EDF, the French mostly state owned energy firm, bought London Energy a few years ago – the firm is the main electricity company for most of London. Personally I don’t have any problem with this, with the partial difficulty that EDF is pro […]

EPP Stay
EU Politics

The less loony Euro-Tories fight back

I wrote a little while ago about the efforts of the Bruges Group to force the Tory MEPs to quit the EPP-ED group in the European Parliament – read that detailed post here. I am quite amused today to discover that a blog has been launched to defend the other […]

Plan D Campaign
EU Politics

Eurosceptics’ Plan D campaign – too good

It makes me most concerned to have to write something positive about eurosceptics here, but give credit where it’s due: the Independence-Democracy group in the European Parliament, containing luminaries [sic] such as Jens Peter Bonde and Nigel Farage are sending a bus around the EU to talk about EU democracy. […]

Dick Marty
EU Politics

Do we believe you Mr Marty?

It’s all over the press in most European countries today: the Council of Europe has released its report about the so called ‘Rendition Flights’ – basically illegal transport of terror suspects. Plenty of countries have been involved with it – even Sweden is among the accused – see this from […]

EU Politics, UK Politics

Labour Movement for Europe – Launch

OK, we’re finally ready to go! The branch of the Labour Movement for Europe in London and the South East are launching this month… The LABOUR MOVEMENT FOR EUROPE LONDON AND SOUTH EAST OF ENGLAND REGIONAL BRANCH invites you to its Launch Event, which will be held on FRIDAY JUNE […]

Adieu EPP
EU Politics

Adieu EPP

It was one of David Cameron’s major pledges: to take the Conservative MEPs out of the European People’s Party – European Democrats (EPP-ED) group in the European Parliament. I wrote about this back in December 2005 [post is here]. But as you see from the amount of time that has […]

Finnish Presidency Logo
EU Politics

The Finns’ sober logo: suits the EU’s mood?

The Finns take over the EU’s rotating Presidency in one month, and now they have the logo and website of the Presidency up and running. While the logo will not draw the ridicule that the UK’s flying swans attracted, I think it looks a bit drab. OK, it’s smart and […]

EU Politics

Lamassoure: get a grip

OK, here’s an idea. EU needs money. EU can raise money using a tax. Why not tax something that so far has not been taxed? eCommunications! This is the solution to the EU’s budgetary future as proposed by Alain Lamassoure, MEP from Chirac’s UMP Party. Read the story about it […]

EU Politics

So I won’t be a Commission official

The results of the concours for administrators are now out, and – surprise, surprise – I did not manage to pass. Here’s the extract of the letter: The selection board for the above competition has now finished marking the pre-selection tests in which you participated. I regret to inform you […]