EU Politics

EU Politics

The European Commission is up to its neck in the VW scandal, but for reasons a little more complex than the press is reporting

The FT wrote yesterday how the European Commissioners Janez Potočnik (then with the Environment portfolio) and Antonio Tajani (then with the Industry portfolio) both knew in 2013 about potential differences between car emissions in real conditions and in lab tests. “There are widespread concerns that performance [of cars] has been […]

EU Politics

The speechmakers and the speech consumers

This week I have heard a lot of speeches. I was moderator of the European Commission / Luxembourg Presidency of the EU conference “25 years of Interreg”, and now I am writing this sat at the Digitalisierungskongress of the Grünen in Bielefeld. So, as is my way, I reflect on […]

EU Politics

#JunckerBullshitBingo rules for #SOTEU on 9th September

Barroso Bullshit Bingo had alliteration as good as José Manuel’s buzzwords. #JunckerBullshitBingo might not have quite the same ring to it, but with our beloved Commission President getting ready to make his first “State of the European Union” speech on 9th September, we in the EU blog and Twittersphere are […]

EU Politics

German humour about the EU (yes, really)

Humour about the EU is hard enough – how do you make the European Union funny without just falling back on crass national stereotypes? And then to try to do that in German, bearing in mind that – well – the stereotype is that Germany is not the funniest place […]

EU Politics

Eurozone leaders: look yourself in the mirror. Alone.

Dear Angela Merkel, François Hollande, Matteo Renzi and Mariano Rajoy, dear Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Alex Stubb and Wolfgang Schäuble, dear Jean Claude Juncker, Martin Schulz and Donald Tusk, You might not sleep much tonight if the summit drags on. But sometime you will go to bed, wake up in the morning, […]