Tag: Matthew Karnitschnig


How The Sun has distorted Christian Lindner’s words on Brexit

The Sun published a story with the rather far-fetched title “Germany’s kingmaker who is set to prop up Merkel says Britain CAN slash migration while keeping EU trade” earlier today. So who’s this supposed kingmaker I wondered, and what has he said? Turns out it is the FDP’s Christian Lindner. […]

EU Politics

What is Matthew Karnitschnig’s problem?

Back on Sunday I wrote this tweet about François Fillon winning the first round of the centre right primary in France: [tweet 800444200089042944] Then, out of the blue and without asking me anything, four days later I get this: [tweet 801744792195633152 hide_thread=’false’] “unabashedly anti-Catholic” Karnitschnig says some Greens are (as […]