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EU Politics

Egyptian mobile operator uses Berlusconi quote in ads – why?

As late as 4th February, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was still praising Hosni Mubarak, saying the latter should remain in place for Egypt’s transition to democracy. On 11th February Mubarak resigned. So isn’t it therefore rather odd that Egyptian mobile operator Mobinil is using a Berlusconi quote for its […]

David Miliband eating falafel - click to enlarge image
EU Politics, UK Politics

David Miliband and the 50p falafel

Summer is silly season in politics, and I’m doing my best to prove this blog isn’t immune to that, with the second odd David Miliband story in two days. Yesterday’s was about Syria and politics and today’s is about… falafel. I was in Amman, Jordan last week, and one of […]

EU Politics, Technology

Keeping track of EU law developments online

I was posed what sounded like a simple enough question by an old friend in Brussels at the end of last week: I was wondering […] whether you knew of a good English-language newsletter, or feed, or whatever, summing up legislative developments at EU level. The Law Societies do send […]