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EU Politics

More on the atheist bus ‘campaign’

The campaign is BACK and bigger and better than before – visit the site here! OK, so the Atheist Bus pledge at Pledge Bank has expired, and 877 people promised they would give £5 to put an atheist ad on a London Bus. We were 3801 short. But hang on. […]

EU Politics

So you wanna be a Mac DJ?

A few years ago – more by luck than judgment – I ended up as one of the DJs for most of the parties during my MA at the College of Europe in Bruges. The proper DJ had fallen ill, I had a load of MP3s, and I was asked […]

EU Politics

Peking Duck and plastic ducks

Richard Corbett is rightly enraged that the Daily Telegraph published an article entitled ‘EU mandarins force Peking duck off the menu‘. Just like all of these myths about the EU trying to do something there’s half a grain of truth in it, and the rest is complete crap. Essentially ovens […]


3 of the best skate routes anywhere in the world

In the last week I’ve skated in three of the very best places it’s possible to imagine – along the Hudson River on the west side of Manhattan, around the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Montréal, and along the St Lawrence River in Québec. The Manhattan and Montréal routes are super […]


New York, New York

So I’ve spent the last four days in New York, one of the world’s great cities. So what do I make of it? I was staying with a friend who works at New York University and lives in a university flat on West 3rd Street / Mercer Street in Greenwich […]

EU Politics

Dale’s blog list – no boycott here

Iain Dale is compiling a new edition of his guide to UK political blogging, revising the work that was done last year, and part of that is an appeal for readers of his blog to rank their top 10 political blogs. Liberal Conspiracy and Bob Piper and stating they are […]


New York street signs

Walking down the street in Manhattan is an assault on the senses – masses to see everywhere, the sidewalks brimming with life (and people selling hotdogs in the 30º heat), blasts of heat from the subway ventilation grills, and an assault course crossing the roads. Amusingly there are signs everywhere […]


Politicians and computers

Iain Dale has a short post about how it has emerged that John McCain is incapable of using the internet and e-mail. Dale puts it down to McCain’s age – perhaps true, but not the whole story if my experience with politicians in the UK and the European Parliament is […]

EU Politics

Three half truths about high prices

High prices! For everything! UK / USA / EU countries heading for recession! So scream the newspapers and most of the media. Yet there are 3 aspects of all of this paranoia that really frustrate me – even beyond the fact that it strikes me that the media is partly […]