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UK Politics

Brown using the EU to dig the UK out of a hole

What a change. Gordon Brown, the politician known for seldom showing face at ECOFIN in Brussels when Chancellor (and for reading his papers rather that listening when he did), is now suddenly taking the EU seriously. No more lecturing other European capitals that the UK has the only financial system […]

EU Politics

Joschka Fischer: talk is cheap about an avant-garde

From time to time up pops ex-German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer to demoan some aspect of how the EU conducts its business. Last week was no exception, with a short interview with Euractiv that contains this passge: I think we need an avant-garde to deepen integration. We are unable to move together because […]

EU Politics

Ken Livingstone to the European Commission?

Baroness Ashton has been nominated as the British member of the European Commission to replace Peter Mandelson, but she’ll be in post only until the summer of 2009 as a new Commission takes office in autumn 2009 (presuming she can take even up the position). She would of course be […]

EU Politics

Brown, Barroso and the Baroness

Gordon Brown nominated Baroness Ashton to be European Commissioner after Peter Mandelson returned to UK government. The reason is clear enough – Brown did not want a by-election that Labour might loose after the Crewe and Glasgow East debacles. After the first reaction (who is Baroness Ashton), thoughts turned to […]

EU Politics

Can Baroness Ashton even become a European Commissioner?

Has Brown made a monumental error in putting forward Baroness Ashton to replace Peter Mandelson as the UK’s European Commissioner? That’s the interesting issue raised in a comment by Giacomo Benedetto (more on his blog) on my previous post about the UK’s new nominee. The issue has also been covered […]

EU Politics

Mandelson? Mandelson!!! A few other thoughts

I was very wide of the mark with my previous post so now, with some more time to write and a couple of hours mulling over the implications of the reshuffle, here are my thoughts. First of all Mandelson from the UK point of view. He’s probably respected and loathed […]

EU Politics

Mandy is back, Hewitt to Brussels?

Shock news: Peter Mandelson is back in ther UK Cabinet today in Gordon Brown’s reshuffle. So he’ll be resigning as a member of the European Commission. Geoff Hoon is to be Transport Secretary. So who will go to Brussels as European Commissioner? Patricia Hewitt is my bet, as I’ve previously […]


New EU (institutional) blog: Martin Westlake

It’s a great pleasure to announce the launch today of a new blog about EU matters – Martin Westlake. Martin took over today as Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee will be blogging about his experiences in the post and, no doubt, about other things too. From […]

EU Politics

Lyon-Paris vs. Manchester-London

36 flights a day between Heathrow and Manchester! Madness! That was for me the most stocking part of an article in today’s Guardian about Tory Party transport plans. Factor in the other London airports and the total is much higher (Manchester Airport flight search here – type ‘LON’ as the […]

EU Politics

In defence of Gawain Towler

It’s not often you get me defending UKIP on this blog, but this is one of those times. I second Nosemonkey in his disgust at the situation facing UKIP’s press officer in the EP Gawain Towler, author of the England Expects blog. Where Nosemonkey is wrong is assuming he disagrees […]