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3G – surf anywhere, or not?

I’m sat in a café on Upper Street in Islington trying to blog. I’m ‘connected’ to the internet with a newly purchased Option Icon 225 USB dongle, connecting with Orange 3G. Only the pace here is slooooow, despite a signal strength of 3 out of 6 bars. I can just […]

EU Politics

The atheist bus campaign is BACK

Back in the summer it was a fun idea from Ariane Sherine in The Guardian, a Photoshop mockup, and a Pledgebank page. Then just before the pledge expired it started to get a bit big, with Matthew Parris writing about the effort to get ads on the buses in his […]

EU Politics

Baroness Ashton boredom strategy

I thought the hearing with Baroness Ashton in the INTA Committee in the European Parliament would make some sparks fly. I was wrong. Ashton took the sensible, yet rather dull, approach of being pleasant and kind to the EP, and going out of the way to say that she would […]

EU Politics

Ashton gets backing from Schulz, so all’s OK (not)

The Socialist Group in the European Parliament have just published a press release in which Group Leader Martin Schulz is critical of the games being played by right wingers before Baroness Ashton’s hearing later this evening. Tricks are undoubtedly being played but, Martin, it takes one to know one I […]

EU Politics

Leaders looking for solutions

Via Talking About the EU – this is a great pic. It’s the leaders preparing for the family photograph at the Paris Eurogroup meeting that Brown also attended, but what else were they looking for? While the UK PM might partially help European countries find their way out of the […]

EU Politics

EU bloodsport: set your watches for 1800 CET Monday

There are few times when politics in the EU can be fun. 23 languages and tiresome procedures mean there’s very little spectacle. Monday evening will be one of the rare exceptions. Designate European Commissioner for Trade Baroness Ashton will be facing more than 2 hours of questions in the International […]