There are going to be a few changes here at this blog over the coming few weeks as, from a professional point of view, 2009 promises to be a year of major changes.
I’ll be starting a Limited Company in the web design business together with a number of others (final details tbc) and hence the more tech-orientated posts that would have appeared here will instead appear on the blog of the company website.
This means that the focus of the Euroblog will be more narrow – about EU politics and travel mostly. Those tend to be the posts that generate most interest anyway.
Beyond that the Photoblog was an interesting experiment but I don’t take enough photos any more to justify its existence. So it will close shortly.
I will however be adding a section to the site that’s about sport, dealing with my training for inline skate marathons in 2009.
Plus the site design needs a bit of improvement (it has as it is for 2 years now) and there will be the move to a new server too.
Good luck Jon. I too am venturing out more in 2009 and will be interested in any future opportunities to collaborate if you’re interested.
Good luck to you in your new venture(s) and a happy new year 2009!