It’s a great pleasure to announce the launch today of a new blog about EU matters – Martin Westlake. Martin took over today as Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee will be blogging about his experiences in the post and, no doubt, about other things too.
From my own point of view it’s my first step into designing blogs for people working in government administration (Simon is really the master in the field), although Martin’s blog is not hosted on a EESC server at the moment.
So, you EU-geeks out there, you’re probably thinking: is it actually worth reading a blog about the European Economic and Social Committee? It’s hardly the most riveting EU institution. But if anyone can manage to liven it up a bit then Martin can.
Martin taught me EU politics at the College of Europe a few years ago and he’s far from a typical civil servant. He’s enjoyed an interesting and diverse academic and writing career (among other publications he’s penned a biography of Neil Kinnock), he can write with verve and wit, and he’s a charming and engaging person to discuss politics with. I’m looking forward to the blog reflecting that!
Great initiative. Looking forward to discussing COMMUNICATION 2.0 initiatives with you. Lifting communication to a higher level ( Ã la Obama )
Congratulations on your elevation; merit always tells.
I need to ask you something; send me an e-mail with your address.
Hope he abides by the Staff Regulatons…
Was he really appointed on Oct 1st 2009? 😉