The sheer number of comments at the main post ‘So I Won’t Be A Commission Official‘ has been causing problems, so all the old comments are here instead, and hence searchable.


  1. vladia

    the contract for CA is max. up to 3 years.
    The first contract they gave me is for 3 months – they usually do it, after u have prolongations every 6 months up to 3 years normally, some directions could give the contract for 3 years directly.
    Desavantige of long contract is that if u obtain a competition during your CA contract u could have problems to change the status or change the job.

  2. Olivia

    just one more question. Can you please tell me what will be the duration of your contract with Eurostat? I know that CAST contracts can range from 6 months up to 2 years, but not more.

  3. Hi!

    Is there anyone from CAST 25 with the profile “political adviser” (FG IV) who has got a job? I’m still waiting:(I’ m afraid that CAST 27 will take over CAST 25…

  4. Olivia

    I am very glad to hear that! It really gives me hope, as I have heard about cases when they were still waiting for months and moths that someone contact them. I am from new states too (in fact I am from the newest states). 🙂 So maybe this will be a plus for me too. 🙂
    Keep up the good work! And after 1 August don’t be a stranger. We woul very much like to know how it really is to work for the EU, what type of work you are doing etc.

  5. vladia

    For your info I was contacted 2 times before final parts of competition and 2 times after final results. And I have a job.
    I am from a new member state so maybe it is an advantage at the moment. But I know one person from Germany and she has also a job immediately.

  6. vladia

    yes, I will begin my job at Eurostat on 1/8 :))
    Now I will try GFIV, u never know. The salary are not very good for CA (financial assistant – CA has a lower salary then secretary) .
    And it is good exercise for me also. I try different competition to exercise me at least for v and n reasoning 🙂

  7. Olivia

    To Vladia:

    Thank you very much for your information. So nobody from EU’s institutions has contacted you yet regarding the CAST25 exam you passed? You were not offered any job so far?

  8. vladia

    @ Dizzy

    OK, I will pass CAST27 GFIV in 2 weeks, so I have to be prepared that it will be more difficult that the last one?
    I can’t imagine that 🙂

  9. Did the RELEX group IV (economic/commercial adviser) – also think it went ok, but the numerical/verbal reasoning was a bit harder. Think there was a mistake in one of the verbal/numerical questions, btw…

  10. @vladia
    yeah, i agree- this time numerical test was kinda different and much more difficult /for FG iV/ compared to those i’ve had before at AD competitions..

  11. vladia


    I passed CAST25 same spec. in french and the questions were very basic – some accounting questions, balance sheet, 2-3 questions about EC methodologie – contracts, some HR questions.
    For your imagination – I did not study specially for this exam and I am off the university for 12 years and I passed so really I thinf for this exam it was quite ease.
    Not the case for verbal and numerical reasoning :))

  12. Stefano

    Someone has received an answer from the ECHA competition (IT AST)? I was expecting an answer by the first week of July, but nothing came out.
    If someone have any information or need any info, my skype id is sbracco (Italy).


  13. sunflower

    Any comment on last friday?

  14. Olivia

    Hello all.
    Has anyone already had the exams for CAST 27 FG3, Accounts/Finance officer? I wonder how the specialised questions look like.
    Thank you in advance for any information.

  15. Iordanova

    Hi Cristina,

    I also apply for Cast27 FG II Financial Assistant. My skype is homesinvarna . If you contact me I could send you some study materials.


  16. @oliver

    Thanks! Oh well, I guess all of us RELEX CA-wannabies who are not working in delegations have to hope for the best. Good luck tomorrow!

    Anyone going for economic/commercial adviser, by the way?

  17. pamela

    Thanks Jonathan for creating this space 🙂

  18. Oliver


    Your first contract might be 3 years. If you pass the exam you can get a second contract for 6 month up to 5 years. After the second contract you will automatically have an infinite contract. To change the instiution is not yet foreseen in the contract. Even a rotation is not yet fixed. There might be a change in the future so.


  19. vladia

    Oh sorry , u have told about the CA in UN, I understand now.

  20. vladia

    I thougt that u can have a CA post just for 3 years and just once in the same institution.
    So u have to change institution or not? U told if u passed the competition u can have a renewal of the contract?

  21. Oliver


    They only have to do the exam if they wish to have an extension after their contract ends. And of course most want this, thats why (almost) all CA will do the exam.

    UN United Nations


  22. Sorry for coming in a bit late in the discussion, but are you saying that ALL current contract agents have to do the test, even those that have been around for ages?

  23. vladia

    Sry, but what’s the UN?

  24. Oliver


    A CA is a Contract Agent


  25. riviere

    What is a C A ?

  26. Oliver

    with the UN I heard that from a few of our CA who are pissed with the exam thing, as one or two are working for more then 15 years with the EC.

    Should we all go to the UN? 🙂


  27. Oliver


    Now I got you 🙂 Of course that was a joke, sure I know if I pass the exam I will be in Asia the next couple of years (or more?), as I am now based there. And I will see Europe only on vacation. But hey, thats ok with me – I like it.

    And I know that there is nohing sure about rotation for CA, they are thinking to introduce something like that in the future, but also to insure the service of work in a delegation, as a CA you might not need to rotate (and again thats fine with me)

    For the 3rd foreign language, I know it is only neccessarry for your future way inside the EU, but that is only for CA in FGIV not for FGIII. That is what I meant.

    Yes and I am really looking forward on my exam on Friday, I studied a lot and I want to pass!


  28. Lifenugget


    You forgot one definition, sit on ones butt and drink beer 🙂

    Is it worth it? I’ll tell you when I get my results in Sept, but the stress of the process is not worth it. But I would suggest everyone give it a go as there is little to lose by doing it. I don’t have a recognised 2nd language (German, French, Spanish) so I have to sit the test in my 4th language (French), I’m doomed! But at least I get to see all my friends from over the world so for me it will be very much worth it pass or fail.

    I wish you success in your exam and remember, there is always the UN with better pay and conditions.

  29. sunflower

    …maybe by 2030 Europeaid and ECHO will have launched and AD competition?!!
    The whole picture is depressing: they should stop EPSO by doing useless competition (I mean for external people), but maybe here we are entering in a bigger issue: “They continue to make competitions, because these competitions are necessary or the make competitions because they have to continue to work?”
    I think this could be an interesting debate, because I read here and in other websites of several people “waiting -on reserve lists- a call” that’s not arriving.
    Is it worth it?
    Good luck for friday!

    I will be sitting my tests at the end of July (I don’t think the 2500+ HQ staff should worry…too much)

    Thanks again!

    p.s.:btw May 9: a) Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War; b)anniversary of Arab League foreign ministers backing Egypt’s demand that Britain leave the Suez Canal Zone; c) your birthday?
    I can’t remember anything else :-))

  30. Lifenugget


    No sense of humour eh? A sense of humour is paramount if you want to work for the EC, it took me two years to realise this. Even my Head of Delegation has one, when he wants 🙂


    If you pass the RELEX EPSO it will mean that you will be posted outside of Europe. I know existing CA’s have no path back to Brussels at this time, nor is there anything planned. RELEX is also unsure of the rotation plan for CA’s in Delegations.

    It’s beneficial I agree to have a 3rd Languag but it has more to do with future promotion within the EC than anything else.


    Thankyou, look for groups of people who know one another on Friday as they’ll be the existing RELEX CA’s. We come in all shapes and sizes 🙂

  31. Oliver

    by the way here is the Basic Salary for CA, but only with Step 1, that is where everyone starts, Steps goes up to Step 7, which is each Step only a small amount higher, if you go through 7 steps then you are on the salary for the next Grade. You will stay for a max. of 2 years in each Step.

    Basic salary
    Contract staff

    Group Grade Step 1
    4 18 5.379,73
    4 17 4.754,75
    4 16 4.202,37
    4 15 3.714,16
    4 14 3.282,67
    4 13 2.901,31
    3 12 3.714,11
    3 11 3.282,65
    3 10 2.901,31
    3 9 2.564,27
    3 8 2.266,38
    2 7 2.564,20
    2 6 2.266,26
    2 5 2.002,94
    2 4 1.770,22
    1 3 2.180,77
    1 2 1.927,89
    1 1 1.704,34


  32. Georgia

    I think it’s clearly understandable that Lifenugget’s questions are tongue-in-cheek. Just smile, don’t tell him/her off for asking:-))) A bit of good humour is absolutely necessary here.

  33. Oliver


    I am now afraid, will that mean as a CA, if I pass the EPSO on Friday, I will never see Europe again?

    As for the third foreign language, DG published a text about this and it is only for CA for FG IV, not for CA in FGIII. But of course it is always good to speak more then only two languages.


  34. for Lifenugget- u nuts, or what? how come u sit a councours and ask about R.Schuman and 9th of May? And instead of making a fool of yourself here-read the article from the link sunflower sent you. And u better find out the answer for yourself, coz they may u this on ur tests!

  35. Lifenugget


    My advice is try your hardest to get in through AD competitions. They pay is 3-4x that of a CA even though you hold the same relative positions and you have a job for life (technically).

    I know no one that is a CA that has passed the EPSO, hence the 900 agents doing the RELEX EPSO 27 on Friday. Remember some of these people have worked for the commission longer than 10 years and still they have to do the EPSO. You can just imagine the feelings this gives rise too.

    I tried to post earlier with a link to the Staff Regs of the Commission list all benefits and salary of CA’s & Officials but it seemed to fail. So just Google ‘contract agents EC’ and you’ll find the page.


    PS I get a Public Holiday on the 9th of May every year, I wonder why?

  36. Cristina

    Hi everyone! I am preparing for CAST27 – Financial Assistant, Function Group II. Can anyone please give me a hint as to the specific knowledge test, where could I find relevant mcq examples, or past examples in the field from CAST25? Thanks a lot!


  37. sunflower

    Thanks for your clarity and for having shared with us the situation. Not working for an EU insitution, I was missing that “piece” of the puzzle.
    No option of cartolarization of the contract for CAs?
    Or better, do you know CAs who have now a stable position in the EU?
    Only AD competitions are the right way?

    I thank also Jon who has created this excellent corner of exchange!

  38. Suzana


    “PS Anyone know who Robert Schuman was?”

    Are you kidding??

  39. Georgia

    @Lifenugget Look here

    @green I’m also sitting the Relex on Friday and have no idea about what it’s going to be like.

    I passed the EPSO 25 for Public Relations and got an e-mail from a new agency in Helsinki asking for a new CV in May, I sent my CV, but have heard nothing since. Does anyone have an idea whether I should try to contact them again?


  40. Hi all and thanks Jon for the blog. Can anyone please share any tips (ideas, links ect..) for the 13 July 2007 cast 27 Function Group IV Adviser – Op. Sect.- Social and Cultural issues Competency test? (50 MCQs in 75′)

  41. Lifenugget

    Correction, every CA has to be able to show that they can work in 2 languages for CA III & IV, they need a third language should they ever wish to be promoted. But being promoted as a CA is almost impossible, especially RELEX CA’s where there is absolutely zero career advancement. Should you pass your assigned test then that will be your role until your grave or until you pass another test in another vocation. And for those doing the RELEX EPSO, you’ll never see Europe again.

    They are only doing one test this year in order to assimulate existing CA’s who have not passed an EPSO, hence the preference toward current Job holders (around 900 RELEX staff, 2500+ HQ staff). And before anyone asks existing CA’s have not been given any indication as to what is contained in the EPSO, RELEX or HQ.

    The next EPSO will be upto two years away at the end of most existing non tested CA’s contracts, again preference will be given to existing job holders.

    Anyone sitting the RELEX EPSO this Friday I wish the best of luck, just becareful of the existing RELEX CA’s celebrating afterwards in the region of the Grand Place.


    PS Anyone know who Robert Schuman was?

  42. Christian B.

    Hello dear Candidates,

    Simple question: Does anyone have some information about the Competence test for CAST 27 Function group 4 “Adviser-(Finance) in Economics”? I failed CAST 25, because the competence test surprised me really! Wrong expectations?…anyway!

    What did they ask this year? Questions about economic like CAST 25 GNP, balance of international payments or accounting, balance sheet, IFRS?

    Why did they make only 1 Test this year instead of 2 tests like CAST 25? Just insane or what? ;=)

    Thanks in Advance and good luck to you all!

    P.S. Any other links to newsgroup/ websites?

  43. Christian B.

    @sun: Just a question of equal treatment! Everybody has to show up that he is “qualified ” :=)

    Every functionary has to show also, that hes able to work in three languages…..working as a functionary is getting more and more worse…..

  44. Lifenugget

    Hi Sunflower,

    Yes you are correct, advantage is given to those already holding the CA position with EC.


  45. sunflower

    @Downhill PV
    I thought that working already for an EU institution would be an advantage on the competence test, am I wrong?
    And I found also absurd that after working for so long time for EU institutions you have to pass through an external competition. How come? (just to try to understand the kind of vicious circle all the CAST27 competitors are getting into)
    Thanks in advance.

  46. riviere

    @Downhill PV

    Could u e-mail me please;


    [I’m more or less glued to laptop so will see it str8 away]

  47. Downhill PV

    @ riviere

    A fellow soon to be victim of CAST 27 – Relex – Political Matters. I think since this is Function Group IV, the highest level, we are going to get all the difficult stuff thrown at us. Something like ‘characteristics of the ENP’, specific EU – x bilateral agreements, etc.

    Or whatever. I have worked 12.5 years in the EU institutions and I don’t have a clue as to what we will face in the specific stuff. It’s a multiple choice of pot luck I guess!

  48. Hi everybody! I’m considering to attempt the next competition for lawyer-linguist, but I’ve noticed that in some cases for similar competitions Epso requires two-year experience, in some others no. Does anyone has any idea about the next ones (in particular for italian mother-tongue)? Thanks.

  49. Oliver


    thanks guys for your input regarding the ICT exam. As I am sitting the ICT exam on the 13th of July for RELEX. I have noticed any single word you mentioned in your posts and I am trying now to prepare also for these fields if ever this is possible.

    I am also puzzled with the amount of Database and programming questions asked in this field of Network Administration. Usually someone has his special field either in programming or Networking or database, so especially for the RELEX there is no need of deepin database or programming knowledge.

    The questions could really be more in the field of Systemadministration.

    If you guys remember some more questions from your exam please try to post here.



  50. Simple logic.

    But now I find here

    that it could mean “Contract Agent Selection Tool”.

    Anyhow: “Contract Agent Selection” is clear, t could stand for “test”, “tool” or maybe another HR technical term.

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