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EU Politics

PES Stockholm

The PES Congress started off the trend for me to be a Congress blogger. Now I’m at it again at the Social Democrats Congress in Stockholm, and Nils Woerner from the PES Activists is here too. I went to talk to him, Claes Nordmark and Jenny Jönsson at the PES […]

EU Politics

Johanna Graf, Congress Blogger

Johanna is one of my fellow bloggers at the Congress – her own blog is here. She want to give every delegate the chance to express themselves on her blog, even if they can’t speak on the podium of the Congress, and also to run a poll about Social Democrat […]


Up and running

It’s taken longer than I would have thought, but I’m now online at the Congress. Seems the technology is far from perfect at the 1960s conference centre. The first few videos will be online very soon. My fellow bloggers here are Helena Markstedt, Jonas Morian, Ã…sa Westlund and Johanna Graf, […]

Viv Richards

World Cup underway

Don’t worry, this is not going to turn into a blog about sport. But cricket is a great British institution, especially when you’re listening to Test Match Special on Radio 4 or 5 Live. With 6 weeks of cricket ahead for the World Cup there are going to be plenty […]

SAP Logo
EU Politics

Blogging the SAP Congress – in English

Sometimes strange things happen in party politics. This coming weekend will be one of those odd occasions. I am going to be one of the official bloggers at the party congress of the Socialdemokraterna (SAP) in Sweden. Why me? OK, I know plenty of people in the SAP (Helena, Maryam, […]

Dead Linux Penguin - source

Tories not practicing what they preach on Open Source

So the Tories are in favour of Open Source software. Open Source Whitehall is the headline on BBC News, reporting a speech that Tory Treasury spokesman George Osborne made today at the Royal Society of Arts. Even Demos are trumpeting the speech, and Guido has a typically cynical take on […]

Oneseat Banner
EU Politics

Poettering around the issue

I’m a bit slow on the uptake – I had not until today really noticed the inaugural speech that was made by new European Parliament President Hans-Gert Poettering. See the EP’s News Service about it here. That’s probably because his speech was notable for the things he did say, rather […]

Euro Spain
EU Politics

Spanish labour market undergoing unprecedented change

Chatting with my Italian teacher recently, he mentioned that the Italians are scared that next year Spain is projected to overtake Italy in terms of GDP per head. I’ve today been reading Le Monde, and the stats they present tell a remarkable story about the Spanish labour market. A summary […]

EU Flag
EU Politics

Same old inconsistencies from the Tories on Europe

In Europe, not run by Europe. That’s what William Hague once said as leader of the Conservative Party. I happened to hear him on the Today Programme this morning advocating a similar sort of line in his current role as the Tories’ spokesperson on foreign affairs [BBC News story here]. […]