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Democracy in the Lords

A new cabinet team will be in place by the summer, and there’s one major question of constitutional reform currently in limbo – reform of the House of Lords. Some enterprising Labour supporters have hence established a campaign site – Campaign for a Democratic Upper House – to gather support […]

Road Arrows

Server works – complete for now

The work to change this blog and website has now been completed. The changes are as follows: The main address is now and the homepage contains information rather than blog entries remains the domain name for the blog, and all old links to that address still work A […]

EU Politics

European political foundations: preaching to the converted

The Commission wants to liven up EU party politics. One of the solutions is to create EU-wide political foundations that can organise debates about the main political issues – see EUObserver. There might be some budget available for these foundations, around 1 million Euro a year according to the article. […]


Bananas and God

So the banana is the best example of intelligent design? Well, there’s a bit of a debate about that at YouTube. This is the original video: And this is a hilarious riposte to it (wait for the pineapple) Thanks to my mum for the tip who was listening to Steve […]

Sarkozy and Brown
EU Politics

Sarko sounds out Europe. Will Brown do the same?

On the very same day (16 May) as his inauguration, Nicolas Sarkozy went to visit Angela Merkel in Berlin to affirm the importance of the Franco-German axis in driving European integration. On 23 May he was in Brussels, talking to Barroso, the Commission President. Next week (31 May) he’s off […]

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Deputy Leader technology

The Labour Deputy Leadership race is all there really is in UK politics at the moment when it comes to using the internet for political campaigning. But there are a couple of developments that I really wonder about. Firstly is how the candidates are using Facebook, or more precisely, their […]

Cow Fire
EU Politics

Stop the cows farting (and the manure rotting)

Farmed animals produce more greenhouse gas emissions (18%) than the world’s entire transport system (13.5%). That’s according to the campaign website of National Vegetarian Week (thanks Mary for the tip) who cite rotting manure as the main cause. I’m not sure how they have calculated that figure, but the global […]

Map of Online Communities

Navigating online communities

How do you navigate around the wide variety of online communities in existence? Well, you need a map. Click the image above to see the full size version. It’s an excellent graphical representation (initially from here) of how different online networks relate to each other, and which have the greatest […]

EU Politics

When a traveller is no longer young

So that’s it. Today is the last day my Young Persons Railcard is valid (yes, they don’t know how to use apostrophes). Purchased the day before my 26th birthday last year, today marks the final day of more than 8 years of buying these cards giving me 1/3 off rail […]

UK Politics

John McDonnell flies the flag of the left

I was pleased to read yesterday that John McDonnell will be the challenger from the left of the Labour Party, facing Gordon Brown. John has conducted his campaign with a solid and gentlemanly approach, far different to Michael Meacher who always just struck me as a bit of a prat. […]