I came across this excellent little quote via the National Secular Society:
I would rather people went to their allotment on a Sunday than to church – it would do them and everybody else a lot more good.
The quote relates to an interesting little story where the Church of England is trying to evict some allotment holders in Bicester, so they can sell the land for a few million pounds and build and industrial estate. Here is an article from the Daily Telegraph about it. Now, while I have never shared my Dad’s passion for his allotment, I can completely agree with Monty Don’s quote and the campaign of the Bicester allotment holders.
As you pointed out, I am passionate about my allotment and the whole concept of allotments. Three cheers for Monty Don and good luck to the allotment holders of Bicester in their fight for re-instatement. So much for a caring church. Do I recall stories about Jesus and turning over the tables of money lenders? Isn’t there an expression that goes, “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”