Those that cannot do, teach – so the old phrase goes. Having started my career as a Civil Servant in the UK in 2004 on the European Fast Stream scheme, it soon became clear there was scant little EU policy work for me in my Department, but an opportunity arose to teach at the National School of Government, the training school of the UK administration. My task there was to explain to people how the EU works and detail how negotiations in the EU proceed, and to design courses and prepare training materials. I trained civil servants from across UK government, and in particular ran courses for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and HM Treasury. Since leaving the Civil Service in 2007 I have continued to run training courses about EU politics.
The UK’s tense relationship with the EU, culminating with the Brexit referendum in June 2016, led me to work on this issue – using the EU knowledge I already had and applying that to the specific issue of explaining what the UK was trying to do, and explaining that in speeches and workshops across Germany. This work was complemented by my personal blog that has covered the Brexit issue in depth – all my Brexit posts can be found here.
Current and repeat clients
Cife, Nice, France
Graduate Institute of International Affairs, Geneva, Switzerland (More information), Berlin, Germany
Recent one-off presentations and workshops
Böll Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany
British in Germany, Germany-wide
Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin, Germany
Europe Direkt Netzwerk West, Bonn, Germany
Europe Direkt, Köln, Germany
Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung, Berlin, Germany
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA), Stuttgart, Germany
JEF, Lüneburg, Germany
MFE, Gorizia, Italy
Polis180, Berlin, Germany
reCampaign Conference, Berlin, Germany
Older work
Centre for Policy Studies, London, UK
Government Exchange, London, UK
HM Treasury, London, UK
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, UK (subcontracted)
National School of Government, London, UK
Understanding ModernGov, London, UK