
EU Politics

LabourList | Introducing the new Tory MEP

“Today’s good news: Roger Helmer is standing down as a Member of the European Parliament. He says its because he disagrees with nine-tenths of Tory policy, and his statements have become more and more shrill and reactionary over the years. In the list-based election system used in the UK, it’s […]

UK Politics

LabourList | Stand on the sidelines, or play the game?

“It’s hard to imagine how, had they won in 2010, a Labour government would be facing the EU’s current economic and political woes. Labour’s words about the European Union were always softer and more favourable than the Tories’, but Blair’s commitment to put Britain at the heart of Europe always […]

UK Politics

LabourList | The European reaction to the UK’s riots

“A moralising article from Tony Blair is enough to make anyone choke over their Sunday morning cornflakes, and his opinion piece in today’s Observer is no exception. It’s here if you feel like a browse. One line from Blair’s piece, even quoted in the front page article about it, struck […]