Tag: UK EU Referendum


12 ways to make it look like Brexit has happened

A sequel to this post is now available! “12 MORE ways to make it look like Brexit has happened“ It’s now two months since the UK’s EU referendum, but all has gone rather quiet on the Brexit front. The British voted for Brexit, not only has it not happened, but […]


The unbearable lightness of Michael Gove

I don’t care what side of the EU referendum debate you were on. This isn’t about that. This is about how much the referendum matters to you or not. And – importantly – how it seems to not matter to the very people who ran it. The story of referendum […]


Post-even-really-simple-fact politics

Some of the argument about fact and fiction in the EU referendum campaign is the normal, everyday political stuff trying to bend the facts to suit your purposes. The £350 million a day sent to Brussels claim by the Leave side is in this category – ultimately wrong, but based […]


#BERBritsBrexit media coverage

When Matt Hanley, Josh Posaner and I started to wonder about what the Brits in Berlin thought about Brexit we could not have quite imagined how much interest there would be in this issue. We’ve managed to build a super network of people, organised half a dozen events, built a […]