OK, so you’re really, really sick of Musk’s antics now and finally want to make the leap to something else. Here’s your super quick guide how to do so.

Do you need to close your Twitter account?
Your choice, but not necessarily – my account is still, technically, there but I have put a no entry sign on my avatar and direct people to Bluesky and Mastodon in my biography – so people know where to find me. I am @jon@gruene.social on Mastodon and @jonworth.eu on Bluesky.

Should you go for Bluesky or Mastodon or both?
There are upsides and downsides to both, but currently there’s a more UK-EU-journalism vibe to my timeline on Bluesky, while Mastodon leans German-tech-green-transport. Try either or both and see what you find!

But I am leaving a following behind!
Sorry, but that’s inevitable. Persuade people to move, send them this post. Make them feel welcome on the new network! Trust me – I left 75000 followers behind on Twitter, and there is life on the other side.

Should you trust Bluesky or Mastodon?
Both of these services operate in a different way to Twitter/X – the technology is decentralised, and is not owned by one particular person or corporation. This means both services are better insulated against a sort of Musk style takeover. Also each server on each network has its own financing (some even financed by donations) so at the moment you do not see ads either.

Aren’t they more confusing than Twitter?
No, just different. Start with Bluesky at bsky.app or Mastodon at joinmastodon.org and get going.

But I have heard people use different servers and have custom usernames?
Don’t get hung up on that – if you really get into these networks you can alter all of that later.

What about mobile apps?
There are official apps (Bluesky iOS, Android | Mastodon iOS, Android) and a whole slew of independent apps for both computers and phones. The app environment is amazing, especially for Mastodon. Ivory is a personal favourite of mine, but take your pick – the choice is huge.

What about a Tweetdeck replacement?
Also got you covered – deck.blue for Bluesky or Ivory for Mastodon. The Advanced Web Interface for Mastodon is an alternative.

What about trolls, misinformation and moderation?
There are problems with this on any social network – Bluesky and Mastodon are far from immune. The emphasis on both networks is that you, the user, have greater control over what you see. On Mastodon there is the additional control that your server (instance in Mastodon speak) can choose to de-federate (disconnect) from problematic ones as well. We do not know how well this is going to scale, but what we do know is there is no evil CEO setting the rules.

What about algorithms?
Mastodon shuns them completely – your timeline is chronologically organised. Bluesky takes a more nuanced position – sort of “Discovery” timelines that are filtered are possible, but the emphasis again is on user control.

What about search and hashtags?
Hashtags work on both. Search is still quite a mess on Mastodon, it is somewhat better on Bluesky – but there is work to do here!

Can you connect Bluesky and Mastodon?
Sort of – Bridgy Fed looks promising.

What about Threads?
You want to go from a Musk controlled network to a Mark Zuckerberg controlled network? Hell no. That’s like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

But you got something wrong in this list Jon!
Maybe. Please comment below, or write to me on Mastodon or Bluesky. But instead of being a reply guy, I would really rather it if you found someone you appreciated on Twitter/X and made them feel welcome on Bluesky or Mastodon instead. It’d be a better use of your time than ranting at me!

One Comment

  1. I would add that if you have decided to migrate to BlueSky, here is useful tool for finding the people you follow on Twitter who are already there: the addon “Sky Follower Bridge”, available on Chrome and Firefox. Install it and follow the instructions on the install page

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