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UK Politics

Orwell Prize ego-trip

Having seen that Phil at A Very Public Sociologist has thrown his hat into the ring for The Orwell Prize 2011 for bloggers, I’ve decided to do the same – it’s a self-nominating prize. Info here. I’ve been at this blogging lark for more than 5 years now and maybe […]

Andrew Moravcsik - photo Princeton University
EU Politics

The EU is a man sat in Princeton, NJ

This blog entry is a partial response to the Presseurop / The Guardian My Europe series The man in question is Princeton Professor Andrew Moravcsik, mastermind of the theory of liberal intergovernmentalism, that goes further than any other to explain the EU’s current predicament. The three stages of the theory – domestic […]

Technology, UK Politics

Twitter: the new new mainstream

A Very Public Sociologist has completed a second annual survey of the number of Twitter followers of people who also write political blogs in the UK. I finished up 34th on this list last year, now I’m down to 61st. Other people who blog alongside their main non-media day job […]

Shovelling Snow
UK Politics

Pavements, snow and the Big Society

Snowy pavements are not the same as pavements with broken paving stones – both of them can cause you to trip and fall, but the former happens all at once when it snows heavily, while the latter happens gradually over the years. That’s why countries like Belgium* and Germany have […]

Screenshots from the iTunes Store
EU Politics, Technology

The Honeyball, erm, Buzz iPhone app

There’s always an advantage to being the first to use some new technology. Or at least there should be, if it’s done well. While the rest of the world has been thinking up good iPhone (and other mobile) apps for some time, these things are thin on the ground in […]

Twitter EUCO Berlusconi Search - click to view at full size
EU Politics

A roundup of the #EUCO – Berlusconi Twitterwall story

The screenshot above shows the oldest results from for “EUCO Berlusconi”, and explains how the Twitterwall story started (I’ve previously posted about here and here). Just to set the record straight this is exactly what happened. First, I realised that tweets containing #EUCO would appear on the Twitter wall, […]

EU Politics, Technology

Let’s get #EUCO trending

There are two live Twitter walls at today’s European Council in Brussels, as shown above in this Twitpic from @EUCouncilPress. All you have to do is put #EUCO in your tweets. A few of my contributions so far: All EU Countries: fair trial and follow the legal process for Assange. […]