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A little Twitter spat with Andrew Neil

Just under 48 hours ago I spotted a tweet from the BBC’s well known political journalist Andrew Neil – someone retweeted it into my timeline: Germany tonight in its biggest political crisis since late 1940s. Bigger even than UK’s current ongoing political crisis. — Andrew Neil (@afneil) November 20, 2017 […]


Democratic standards, Russian money, and the Brexit referendum

A tweet I wrote earlier today drew some interesting reactions: Be careful here, folks.#Brexit was NOT caused by the Russians. We will never be able to ascertain that. However it is becoming clearer that Russian money influenced the Brexit vote and puts the democratic quality of that vote in question. […]

EU Politics

Is Joseph Mifsud even a legitimate Professor?

In my major post about Joseph Mifsud I put “professor” in inverted commas. That was before I knew the extent of Mr Mifsud’s activities, but now having looked into it, it seems to me that this Professor title Mifsud has been using is highly questionable. To be clear from the […]

EU Politics

Gianni Pittella and his “caro amico” Joseph Mifsud

The world has been asking themselves who the “mystery professor” Joseph Mifsud is. The British press – Byline and Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian – have been connecting Mifsud to Alok Sharma and Boris Johnson. Mifsud has good Russian connections and is supposed to be the person who facilitated the […]


Ian Dickinson (@iandicko73): a little Brexiteer case study

In the last 24 hours I’ve encountered a gentleman called Ian Dickinson on Twitter. He tweets with the username @iandicko73. He did not follow me, and I do not follow him. This was our first interaction: "EU citizen with a UK passport"Anyone RTing this fool will be blocked. — […]


Interview mit Funke Medien zum Thema Brexit

Ich habe ein Interview zum Thema Brexit gemacht. Meine Zitate erschein in folgenden regionalen Zeitungen! Berliner Morgenpost Hamburger Abendblatt Bergdorfer Zeitung Braunschweiger Zeitung HarzKurier Neue Ruhr / Neue Rhein Zeitung (NRZ) Westdeutsche Allgemeine (WAZ) Westfalenpost Westfälische Rundschau


The terminology and practicalities of Brexit delay

Whatever Theresa May or David Davis might say (as he did this week), the UK is not going to be completely out of the EU with a negotiated agreement by 29th March 2019. Any agreement will require longer than the 18 months until March 2019 to be put into practice, […]


Brexit: something has got to give. But what? And when?

Last week’s European Council in Brussels – as expected – did not agree that sufficient progress had been made on the three first stage Brexit issues (cititzens rights, financial settlement, Irish border) to allow the negotiations to move to the second stage. There were some friendly noises, but ultimately there […]