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Back to the Future
EU Politics

Merkel – back to the future?

So the EU is 50. It has its Berlin declaration. Plus it there’s already plenty of wrangling over what the phrase in the Declaration “We are united in our aim of placing the EU on a renewed common basis before the European Parliament elections in 2009” actually means. According to Mark Mardell on […]

Ordförande Persson
EU Politics

Göran Persson, picking over his legacy

I’m supposed to be on holiday, but I am after all spending a week in Åre with a very political bunch of people… So Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (today) have been devoted to the SVT television programme Ordförande Persson (Chairman Persson), a four part documentary (final part is Monday so I’ll […]


Skiing in Åre, hence little blogging

I’m away from everything for a week, skiing in Åre in Jämtland in norther Sweden. It’s the first full week of leave I have taken for ages and it’s excellent to be able to get away for a while. The skiing conditions have been close to perfect and I’ve now […]

Erik Boman

Lim-Erik and his Babblande son

I’ve known Erik Boman, the political secretary of the Solna Social Democrats, for a while know. He was at the Congress party last night, promoting the blog written by his 11 year old son Gustaf – entitled Babblande Boman. Erik himself writes a blog mostly comprising limericks (Lim-Erik – get […]

EU Politics

Jytte Guteland – positive mood of the Congress

If you are a smug Moderate who thinks it’s remotely funny to criticise a Swede’s English and wants to link to this video, think again. It’s damned hard to conduct politics in a language other than your own, and you might like to read this about how it excludes people […]

EU Politics

Persson: thank you, thank you, eugh, thank you

The Special SAP Congress was supposed to be about the future. Or at least that’s what I had been led to believe. Yet all that seems to have happened has been a drawn out series of thank-yous to Göran Persson, and him talking. First it was him in the morning, […]