

Post-even-really-simple-fact politics

Some of the argument about fact and fiction in the EU referendum campaign is the normal, everyday political stuff trying to bend the facts to suit your purposes. The £350 million a day sent to Brussels claim by the Leave side is in this category – ultimately wrong, but based […]

Brexit, Technology

Facebook’s pro-#Brexit bias

Bernd Hüttemann earlier pointed out to me that the mood section of the Facebook app for iOS has a mood “in favour of leaving the EU” but none in favour of remain. I scarcely believed it! But now I have checked and it is true. I am using an iPhone […]


#BERBritsBrexit media coverage

When Matt Hanley, Josh Posaner and I started to wonder about what the Brits in Berlin thought about Brexit we could not have quite imagined how much interest there would be in this issue. We’ve managed to build a super network of people, organised half a dozen events, built a […]


Ultimately I cannot bring myself to vote for Brexit

Holding a British passport, and at the same time being committed to EU integration and the democratisation of the European Union, has never been easy. The months since the UK general election, David Cameron’s EU ‘deal’, and the subsequent referendum campaign, have been harder still. The Leave and the Remain […]


First it was Berlin, then Hamburg, now Köln – #CGNBritsBrexit

First it was #BERBritsBrexit. Then #HHBritsBrexit. And now we’re organising the next in the series of events about the impact of Brexit on Brits in Germany to Köln on 18th May. Together with local organiser Tobias Flessenkemper, we’ll be discussing: What’s likely to happen – will the UK leave? What […]


Why the Remain campaign is going wrong

I’m going to set aside my views about the rights and wrongs of Britain staying in the EU for a moment, and instead focus on the way the Remain campaign is trying to make its case. This is especially relevant today after the Dutch expressed their vague frustration towards the […]