4 sites screenshots

Website launches are like buses: you wait ages for one and then four come along at once. Over the last 7 days I have launched 2 major websites that have been in the pipeline for some time, and 2 smaller sites.

I have been working with the Young Foundation to develop a website for their UpRising programme – a scheme to develop new leaders in the poorer boroughs of London. The website is powered by Typo3 and there’s plenty more features of the site that will be added in due course. The Young Foundation strikes me as a dynamic and interesting place – it’s been good to work with them.

The latest in my series of sites for Labour politicians is for Eric Illsley, MP for Barnsley Central. The site is designed to showcase Barnsley and Eric’s work, and to be as swift and simple to update as possible. Eric’s staff have been trained how to keep everything up to date. It’s running with Typo3, and there are Google maps, polls, and an Ajax-based photo gallery.

The smaller projects are a WordPress blog site for Alex Brodkin, a Labour candidate in the council by-election in Hale ward in Barnet, North London (the complete project was delivered in 4 days), and a simple Typo3 site for the New Zealand Fabian Society (thanks to meeting their organiser, Jordan Carter, in Brussels in Autumn 2007). Joys of the internet – it’s possible to run projects for organisations on the other side of the world!


  1. “Problem is the mindset, not the tech!”

    And the time difference! Good thing that my sleep pattern is so irregular…


  2. None of them are really blogs that will last. The Brodkin one is more for the campaign.

  3. Hi Jon,

    Good stuff. Could you submit the Labour ones to B4L when you get time? Thanks.

  4. Problem is the mindset, not the tech! Often clients in London cannot get to grips with the idea that I’m based in Brussels and doing web work for them when I can do the work from anywhere, and Brussels-London is shorter than Manchester-London… Brussels-Auckland pushes it even further! πŸ™‚

  5. “Joys of the internet – itÒ€ℒs possible to run projects for organisations on the other side of the world!”

    Isn’t it great? I was doing a big site for a load of ex-pat lawyers based in Moscow and was having to deal with people there, in the Czech Republic, Brussels and Bulgaria…


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