Compass Deputy Banner

Pressure group in the Labour Party – Compass – has today announced that it is polling all its members about which candidate for the Labour Party deputy leadership the organisation should support. While this strikes me as a bit odd in itself (it’s a poll about a candidate for a poll after all), it’s additionally complicated by the fact that the Compass Management Committee states that Jon Cruddas has views close to those of Compass, but they seem unwilling to back him outright. I also wonder how any other candidates for the deputy leadership could effectively make a pitch to Compass members in these circumstances or indeed whether they should bother. All quite bizarre. Anyway, Harriet for Deputy remains the motto for this site.


  1. I think you may have mis-read it:
    “While this strikes me as a bit odd in itself (it’s a poll about a candidate for a poll after all), it’s additionally complicated by the fact that the Compass Management Committee states that Jon Cruddas has views close to those of Compass, but they seem unwilling to back him outright.”

    It’s a poll about who compass should support. The management committee decided that they thought that he was the best candidate and are recommending a vote for him. But the democratic choice will be for the members of compass. That’s how all of Labour’s affiliated bodies will decide their support.

  2. Harriet’s and Jon’s politics seems fairly similar; but Jon seems far better at engaging with the grassroots.

  3. Jon, you have 3 weeks to join up Harriet supporters to Compass’ membership and then they can all have their say (and vote) to support her. If the Compass members back Harriet then so will (corporate) Compass. I hope though, as you are well aware, that they choose Jon Cruddas as for me, he shares Compass’ politics more than the others I’ve seen. Maybe the other candidates will prove me wrong…..Let’s see. Talk soon. Miranda

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