Tag: Anand Menon


For now, the EU doesn’t have to care about what Brits think of it

This tweet caught my eye this morning: Underlines the problem facing the EU as retaliatory steps liable only to reinforce this perception. The EU may be an effective negotiator, but it is pretty terrible when it comes to comms. https://t.co/zaBwCAtf5L — Anand Menon (@anandMenon1) August 2, 2021 My first reaction: […]


A little Theresa May Florence Speech reading list

So Theresa May is going to make her highly awaited speech in Florence tomorrow. There has been plenty of analysis and speculation about what she is and is not going to include. Here – in a blog post I will update as more sources are available – are some of […]


The Brexit Bullshit Asymmetry Principle

It has been a pretty normal week in matters Brexit. On Sunday on the BBC’s Marr show, Michael Gove announced he was withdrawing the UK from the London Fishing Convention that dates from 1964. What’s that got to do with Brexit you may well ask. It’s about taking back control […]